Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Panic Attacks and Stress Anxiety Attacks Attacking You?


Feel Calm Before Your Next Anxiety Attack Even Occurs!

Panic And Anxiety Attacks

anxiety help

We are going to take you through the rabbit hole, which is anxiety attacks. When you emerge on the other side you will no longer react to a stressor (what causes a panic attack or anxiety), but instead respond in a confident, calm and powerful way. How would you like to be able to do this?

Although anxiety is a normal human emotion that we may all feel at some time in our life, feeling overwhelmed and hopeless against the situation is not. There are many anxiety causes and learning how to respond to them and not react to them subconsciously is the key to most anxiety cures.

General Anxiety Disorder or GAD is the common name given to the nervous reaction to a perceived stressful situation, social anxiety or anticipated negative future event.  Not knowing how to respond to these events will cause your body to exhibit and release stress hormones, like adrenaline and cortisol that will squeeze blood from your brain, and move it to your heart and extremities (arms and legs) so you can make a fast getaway from a perceived danger or uncomfortable and uncontrollable situation.

Take the anxiety test below and see if any of the questions ring true for you.

Anxiety Symptoms

Self Anxiety Test

If you answer “yes” to any of the anxiety attack symptoms below then you may be experiencing an the symptoms that can lead to a panic attack:

  • Do you become easily annoyed or irritated, even by small things?
  • Do you feel like you are in a constant state of worry over a particular situation?
  • Do you feel like the worst may happen in a given situation?
  • Are your palms sweaty frequently?
  • Do you feel heart palpitations when you are in a stressful situation?
  • Do you find it hard to fall asleep at night or fully relax during breaks?
  • Do you know that an anxiety attack is eminent, but feel powerless to act?

If you answered “yes” to any or a number or even all of the above questions, then you’re in the right place to find anxiety help!

Anxiety Help

There is a whole lot that you can do to not become a slave to panic, anxiety and stress.  Although it can be controlled (but not permanently fixed) by pharmaceutical drugs, we would like to light another path for you, so you can be truly anxiety and panic free, even when you would have been a mental and physical wreck before.

Anti Anxiety Medication

The best natural remedies for anxiety are the ones that empower you in the face of any situation without the need for any external tools (like pills, music, self confidence speeches, calming fragrances).  These things do most definitely work, but you will not always have them with you, and they are tools to help you get past anxiety not a permanent anxiety cure.

There are some natural herbs for anxiety and natural stress relieving vitamins that help you become calm during an anxiety attack or panic attack.  You can take any of the following herbs and vitamins (anti anxiety medication) to help you relax before a possible stressful event or during an attack:

  • Sam-e (200mg, 2 times a day)
  • Kava Kava (take as directed on label)
  • Passionflower Herb
  • St. John’s Wort (take as directed)
  • Valerian Root (best before rest)
  • Skullcap (best before rest or sleep)
  • Rescue Remedy (a Bach flower essence)
  • Relora (a ready made combination for stress or panic)

I would highly recommend that you have get some natural anxiety medication like Relora or a combine the above ingredients and make your own, and use it when you are feeling stressed out or are about to have an anxiety or panic attack. Do this first until you are able to learn to control the onset of the attack, which you can find out out below.

You can listen to brainwave entrainment music or mp3′s that will bring your state of anxiety down to a calm level.  The best way that I’ve personally discovered is learning to work through panic attacks before they happen!  Yes, that means working on what is causing your anxiety and making an active plan to respond to them in the privacy of your own home, not out on the road or in business or social settings.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) which involves tapping on certain acupuncture meridians on the body can be an effective technique, as well as learning to meditate actively on the meaning that the stressful situations are trying to show you.

Natural Remedies for Anxiety

You can try the Panic Miracle which you use as a guidebook, to actively make a new plan on how the “new you” is going to be and respond to life’s challenges in a powerful and confident way.  Learn the techniques that have been tested in a real world setting, and make them your own.

I used to react in a very negative way to stress (either shout @#$@#$ at it or be a hermit in my own home) until I learned to effectively deal with it and now I know that I can go anywhere (even uncomfortable places) and be totally relaxed and respond in a strong positive way.  I feel like my whole life has improved because I respond with power and am at peace all the time!  You can be too!

Stop Anxiety Now!

Click on the Panic Miracle Guide Below and You Will Stop Anxiety or Panic Attacks even before it gets a hold of you! 

anxiety help

Visit my other websites for more great natural health tips:

Holistic Medicine

Spiritual Healing

Arthritis Treatment

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