Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Chronic Constipation Remedies - Lose Weight and Detox Too!

Did You Know That Constipation is Keeping The Toxins in Your Body, Robbing You of Energy and Adding Extra Weight and Gas? 


Chronic Constipation can steal your health, block the nutrients in your food from being absorbed, cause excess weight gain, drain your energy and cause you to feel really unsettled. It can also cause your body to try and expel waste products through the skin and breath, which will leave an embarrassing unpleasant odor that other people can detect.

It can be a common problem among those that lead a hectic lifestyle and may not always eat they way they would really like to.  Fortunately, there is something that you can do about it right now! What are the common constipation symptoms?

Stomach Bloating

Chronic Constipation Symptoms:

  • Abdominal Pain (especially after eating)
  • Stomach Bloating
  • Fewer than one bowel movement per two or three days
  • Excessive straining while on the “porcelain throne”
  • Dry, hard stools that are difficult to pass
  • Low energy
  • General Irritability
  • Strange odor coming through your pores or breath

If constipation alternates with diarrhea, then it can lead to a condition called “irritable bowel syndrome” or IBS. On the other end of the spectrum is fecal impaction where the stools become so hard that nothing can pass.  Either way, there is usually some stomach bloating that can cause mild to moderate discomfort in most people.

The Cause of Constipation

The primary cause of constipation is generally a lack of proper enzymes being absorbed into the body and particularly the colon where digestion takes place.  Highly cooked and processed foods have their natural enzymes destroyed, which places a burden upon the body and the body has to “rob Peter to pay Paul” or has to leech them from some other area of the body if they are available.

If they are not available, then the food does not digest properly and may eventually be stored as body fat.  Because of the excessive time it stays in your digestive tract and intestines it also causes the food to ferment and your body will then produce gas and bloating . Intestinal parasites, bacteria, fungus and viruses thrive in an environment like this, so please do not allow them a foothold in your body and rob your health!

Quick Constipation Relief

Developing good colon health is by far the best constipation remedy.  This is accomplished by eating a following a nutritious diet including fresh fruits (particularly pineapple and papaya), vegetables, particularly the greens, fiber, and any fermented foods high in natural probiotics like acidophilus.

Digestive enzymes can be added to help you break down food that may be stuck to the colon walls.  Cleansing the colon with an enema constipation kit can once or twice a year can also help you keep things moving, and keep you moving and healthy.

A Natural Constipation Treatment

The easiest and fastest way to get relief for constipation is to take a supplement that includes all the fibers, enzymes, probiotics and cleansing herbs and drink plenty of water or pineapple juice with it. These are known as colon cleansers. They are so beneficial to your overall health, and even prevent colon cancers from forming. They can help you even lose weight.

Constipation Remedies - Colon Cleansers

The best constipation remedies use colon cleansers because they not only provide the best results quickly, they also make you healthier, lose weight naturally, and even prevent diverticulitis and cancers. I recommend taking Digest-It as a natural constipation treatment to cleanse your colon and provide consitpation relief rapidly.

This will make your immune system stronger and displace any parasites hanging out in your colon, robbing you of your energy and health!  Click on the Digest-It bottle below and get it as fast as you can and you will feel better in about an hour!


Visit my other websites for more great natural health tips:

Holistic Medicine

Spiritual Healing

Arthritis Treatment

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