Sunday, January 9, 2011

Best Home Teeth Whitening System - A Fresh Clean New Year's Resolution!

Would You Really Like to Smile WITHOUT Being Self-Conscious About Your Stained or Yellowing Teeth?

whiter teeth



Recent Studies Show That You Are Not Alone! In fact about 80% of the Population have yellow teeth from drinking coffee, tea, wine, and other drinks. Not to mention smoking or just forgetting to brush and floss regularly. I used to have the same yellowish teeth myself.


People frequently called me anti-social because I didn’t smile (I wanted to, but was ashamed to show my teeth because they were dingy looking.)  I went to a dentist and got a few treatments, it was expensive but it worked. Unfortunately you have to follow up with regular dental appointments to keep them that way. There is a much better and less expensive way!


Best Teeth Whitening Products


One of the biggest turn-offs that I hear (I’m a health and relationship coach), is that a person who dates someone new, that is really compatible, is actually put off by the thought of having to kiss that person because of funky teeth. It is often tied with bad breath as the number one turn off and can lead to physical distance between people.  Professional Level Home Teeth Whitening to the Rescue. I'll show you the two very best teeth whitening products available for home use.

Modern technology now gives you laser teeth whitening results in the privacy of your own home! Whitening your teeth can not only improve your health (it also kills tooth bacteria, and can improve heart health) but it can improve your relationships and self-confidence. Imagine being on the spot to speak, with yellow or green teeth!  It has changed my life and it can change yours too.

Natural Home Teeth Whitening Tips:

  • Brush with an electric toothbrush (proven over 3 times more effective than a brush)
  • Use fine baking soda (it is alkaline, and flushes out acid and bacteria)
  • Avoid Fluoride (yes, Fluoride – It can actually weaken your teeth, and destroy your health)
  • Use Hydrogen Peroxide (food grade)
  • Use Xylitol (natural sweetener that actually kills tooth and sinus bacteria)

Using these natural dental health tips will help you maintain the whitening you get with a professional home whitening product, like a gel or pen applicator. The next step it to get one of the products that will actually do the heavy lifting of deeply whitening your teeth and restore that pearly white luster to your own teeth. Be prepared to smile again!

Best Whitening Products

Laser Tooth Whitening is probably one of the best whitening products (fast and expensive). It works well, although you do need follow up treatments and need to schedule the time to make dental office appointments. It can be a little costly too. I did that for a while myself and it did work. I just found it inconvenient and expensive overall. I tried the Rembrandt products and Crest White Strips too, with little luck. They work but only about one shade whiter and it didn’t last very long till I was searching for another whitening product. I narrowed my search to two types of teeth whitening products for home use: Gels and Applicator Pens.

Whitening Gel – AltaWhite at Home

This works really well! It is a whitening gel (AltaWhite) that you apply to your teeth using a cotton swab or Q-Tip. Leave it on for a few minutes and you’re ready to go. Just apply it every day for a week or two until you get your desired results. This really gets your teeth pearly laser white. Do keep some on hand as you need to use some to keep them really white, probably on weekend a month afterward will do the trick.  This is the best overall product for home teeth whitening.

If you find yourself on the go frequently then I’d recommend the Applicator Pen approach (Idol White), which is a sealed container that has its own swab applicator that you can apply anywhere and whiten teeth without a mess.

Whiten Teeth on The Go – Idol White

If you travel at all, then the Idol White solution may be your best bet because you can easily slip it into your purse, gym bag or even pocket and take it with you. Freshen up before a date or important meeting. I love how easy this solution is and I know of a few celebrities that even use it regularly, like Kim Kardashian. It is like a sharpie that you just go over the teeth that need whitening and let it dry for a minute, and you’re good to go, with whiter teeth!

Dental hygeine is very important not only for your appearance and relationships but for your heart too.  Develop a normal brushing routine and be sure to use the best tooth whitening system you can find to make your smile as dazzling as you really are!  Click this link for more information on AltaWhite home whitening system or this link for the Idol White pen solution for people on the move.

Now it's time to go and show the world (and the new people you will meet) how good it feels to kiss someone with a fresh mouth full of smooth pearly white teeth!

Visit my other websites for more great natural health tips:

Holistic Medicine

Spiritual Healing

Arthritis Treatment

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