Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Discover The Holistic Treatment for Ankylosing Spondylitis Symptoms

Get Relief from Ankylosing Spondylitis!

hla b27 in spine

Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) is pronounced “ANK-ki-low-sing spon-di-LIE-tis” and it is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects primarily the sacroiliac joints (where the bottom area of the spine attaches to the pelvis), spine, and hip joints. Ankylosing is a term meaning stiff or rigid and spondylitis means inflammation of the spine.  It is a form of autoimmune inflammatory arthritis that typically appears slowly and gradually.

HLA B27 - The Gene Factor

The cause of AS is not currently known, although much research is being performed to find the exact cause.  It is most common in men, particularly young adults, and less common among women.  It appears to be an inherited condition as about 96 percent of the people who have AS carry the HLA B27 gene.  Not everyone with that gene expression will develop Ankylosis Spondylitis, but there is a higher propensity to be a likely candidate and even pass it on to their children.  The condition is slow to show and slow to progress, but it can fuse your vertebrae together if it does get really advanced.

However, it can be successfully controlled and even reversed if the person is willing to modify their diet (particularly their intake of simple sugars and starchy carbohydrates) and make exercise a standard part of their daily routine. Anti-Inflammatory medications are usually prescribed by medical doctors, and may be necessary for short-term pain and inflammation relief, but they should not become the staple of your recovery program. Look at the spondylitis symotoms below to see if you have any of the symptoms of AS:

Symptoms of Ankylosing Spondylitis

  • Lower-back pain that is commonly worse at night, in the morning, or after periods of inactivity
  • Limited range of motion and lower back stiffness
  • Stiffness and pain in the hips
  • Limited expansion of the chest
  • Limited Range of motion, most specifically in the hips and spine
  • Joint swelling and pain in the knees, ankles and shoulders
  • Neck Pain, elbow and heel pain
  • Chronic fatigue or general weakness
  • Loss of appetite or weight loss
  • Eye inflammation (less common)

If you have any of these ankylosing spondylitis symptoms, it may be a good idea to see your doctor and get a proper diagnosis. Once you find out for sure, you can begin your treatment program and be on the road to complete recovery.  The sooner you find out, the sooner you can get better, and the less the AS can progress.

Standard Medicine (Your local Doctor or Hospital) has no cure for AS. Chiropractic care can provide some help in movement and pain recovery, but to free yourself from AS you need to take a holistic approach. Holistic (meaning treating the whole person) therapies can help your body restore it’s natural healthy state and improve your life in every area!

Fortunately, You can actually overcome this condition if you follow a holistic treatment path.

Treatment for Ankylosing Spondylitis

There are a few things you can do to get complete and lasting relief.  If you are fully committed to getting better, you can most assuredly get relief by using the holistic ankylosing spondylitis treatment. First you need to stop any infections from happening in your body as this may an underlying cause of AS and autoimmune arthritis.


After that you need to keep your whole body in a more alkaline state and reduce your dietary acid intake. Then you need to rebuild and nourish your spinal joints. Finally you might want to get some natural pain relief until you no longer have this condition. Follow the simple spondylitis treatment below and prevent AS and autoimmune arthritis from attacking you ever again:

Prevent and Treat Infections:

  • Zapper - Consider getting a Clark Zapper which kills pathogens electronically
  • Medicinal Mushrooms (will reset your immune system, so it will function normally and stop attacking your spine and joints)
  • Zeolites  – Get rid of the Infections and Heavy Metal Deposits

Reduce Acid and Alkalize Your Body

  • Arthritis Dieteat some fruits and vegetables every day if you can.
  • Drink Purified Water No Tap or Unpurfied Bottled Water (It has chlorine, calcium, pharmaceuticals, fluoride, etc). Look at getting a home Reverse Osmosis  (RO) water filtration system if you can. Or at least get your water from a water store that uses RO.
  • Add an Alkalizing  agent to your beverages
  • Ionic Minerals – Take orally once per day. (Will Alkalize your body and quench acidity)
  • MagnesiumTake a magnesium supplement and eat foods rich in magnesium (Raw Cacao, also known as Organic Dark Chocolate is a really good source).

Rebuild and Cushion Your Spinal Joints Naturally

  • MSM - Take 5-10 grams of this natural sulfur supplement in divided doses each day.
  • Vitamin C - Combine this with MSM to triple the effects of each.
  • Camu Camu – Is a natural plant substance that is the highest in Vitamin C in the world.
  • SilicaTake Silica (Orgono Living Silica is by far the best) but you can also get it from herbs like horsetail or cat’s claw.
  • Hydrate Your JointsTake Mega Hydrate which penetrates into your spine and joint sockets and lubricates them.

Arthritis Pain Relief

You can find all the above items listed reviewed separately under the the Arthritis Remedies menu.


Visit my other websites for more great natural health tips:

Holistic Medicine

Spiritual Healing

Arthritis Treatment

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