Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Allergy Relief - Cure Your Allergies for Good!


Relief from Allergies

natural allergy treatment

Achoo! Get Natural Allergy Relief Fast!

What Causes Most Allergies?

An allergy can be described as an over sensitivity to a certain substance (inhaled, touched or eaten) that causes an inflammation response in the body. The substance is called a trigger, as it triggers allergies symptoms like an immune response like itching, wheezing, sneezing or rashes. Once discovered, it is best to avoid contact, or begin a sensitization treatment so that you will not have a react to it in the future. Keeping your living and working spaces as free from allergens as possible is highly recommended and can be done with the proper identification of allergens and using HEPA air purifiers and ionizers.

There are effective natural allergy remedies that don’t have the negative and sometimes dangerous side-effects of commonly prescribed and over the counter medications (that never heal, and quickly loose their effectiveness). Our focus in on finding and eliminating the source of the allergy not just masking the symptoms to get complete and lasting allergy relief.

What are the most common allergies?

  • Eye Allergy (also called Allergic Conjunctivitis, usually caused by seasonal irritants like dust, mold, pollen and cats)
  • Cat Allergy (usually caused by pet dander, the dead skin and pet hair, that may make you start wheezing and get a rash, or if you touch your eyes an Eye Allergy)
  • Dust Allergy (caused by the electrostatic charge and shape of the dust particle upon your tissues)
  • Mold Allergy (caused by mold spores, usually in dark, slightly damp places, or where there is a water leak close by)


The Best Natural Allergy Treatments

The best natural allergy treatment is to first identify the source of the allergy (dust, cat, pollen, mold, etc) and then take measures to avoid exposure and wash any part of your body that has come in contact with the allergen. Second you can try desensitization to the allergy (NAET) if you really can’t control being around it. Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques, also known as NAET®, are a non-invasive, drug free, natural solution to eliminate allergies of all types and intensities using a blend of selective energy balancing, testing and treatment procedures.

Even though this is time consuming, and can get expensive because it requires many office visits. There are many natural herbal supplements that can assist you in developing a healthier reaction to allergens which are very useful for adult and child allergy remedies. There are many energy medicine techniques such as EFT and Embryonic Breathing that can help you change your response to the allergen so you no longer react to it (no allergy). You may be able to identify your source of allergy using a Self-Allergy Test, called the Coca test which is in a paragraph below.


The Coca Pulse Test (Natural Allergy Reaction Test)


The Coca Pulse Test was invented by Dr. Coca over 40 years ago, and can help you pinpoint the source of many common allergies, whether food or environmental. Find your normal resting pulse rate, when you’re relaxed and before a meal. Take your pulse for a full minute (do this for 2-3 days to get your baseline). Test yourself right before a meal, and 30 minutes afterwards. If your pulse is more than 10 beats higher, you may have an allergy to that substance. Cut back on ingredients until you find the source of the allergy. Listen to your intuition as to what food may be the culprit.


Longevity or Embryonic Breathing

Full abdominal breathing can assist you in relieving the immediate stress response to the allergen by relaxing your body and shutting off or slowing production of histamines and cortisol during an allergic attack. Breathe through your nose if possible, as this allows your nose to filter out the allergens or toxins you may breathe in. Breathe slowly and deeply into your abdomen, but do not stress or hold your breath, it should be easy and comfortable. Bruce Frantzis has a great video that shows you exactly how to do this with visuals called: Longevity Breathing.


Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)


Learning EFT can help you calm down instantly, and even relieve certain phobias and give you better confidence before stressful situations. This is accomplished by repeating the EFT mantra: “I completely love and accept myself” while tapping with your index and middle fingers over the basic EFT acupuncture points. This has the effect of “clearing” or “resetting” your experience to the substance or situation in question. It works by sending electromagnetic signals through specific pathways in our body’s human energy field. Tap these points three times in the following order on one side while repeating the EFT mantra: Inner eyebrow, outer edge of eye socket, under eye, under nose, under lips, collarbone, armpit and karate chop point.


Best Nutrition for Allergy Relief


Begin with locally grown organic fruits and vegetables should be the staple of your diet as the toxins, chemicals and radiation of commercial produce can severely weaken your immune system and leave you ripe for many ailments. Cook with extra virgin olive oil as much as possible. Eat minimally processed foods and include some spouted grain products in your diet. Limit dairy and junk foods during your treatments. Drink fresh squeezed juice (pasteurization kills the enzymes necessary for proper digestion) and the best water you can. Place some clear quartz crystals or neodymium magnets in your water source to structure it, so it can be totally utilized in its properly charged state by your body. Eat some almonds and other alkalizing foods and beverages. Avoid all MSG (food flavoring), Aspartame (NutraSweet), Chlorine and Fluoride (tap water & toothpaste) in all products. They have been directly implicated as a cause in many diseases!


Natural Herbs for Allergies and Allergy Relief

Use the following herbs individually or in combination to help you not react strongly to allergens:

Drink plenty of water when taking the herbal remedies so you can be sure that they are able to flush the allergen out of your body quickly. You can combine them at their recommended dosages for even better results.

Herbal Relief for Eye Allergies

I know how painful it can be to have an eye allergy, you can’t even see straight! Luckily there is a great Homeopathic Remedy that you can have on hand, so you can get rid of the allergic reaction quickly. Vizu-All is a great Native Remedy to treat Eye Allergies quickly and effectively. Click on the Vizu-All Eye Allergy bottle below and don’t suffer from an eye allergy anymore!

allergies symptoms










Remove Allergies from Your Home or Office

Get the allergy specific air purifier that is so powerful that it can even filter out the H1N1 virus!

Get a good HEPA filter vacuum cleaner and air purifier and ionizer to keep your inside spaces as free of dust as possible too. I’ve listed below some things that will most certainly help you become free from most types of allergies. Just click on the Allergy Remedy Air Purifier and Stop Allergy Attacks from even happening!

natural allergy relief for allergy symptoms


Visit my other websites for more great natural health tips:

Holistic Medicine

Spiritual Healing

Arthritis Treatment


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