Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Catching the Cold or Flu

Stop the cold and “flu bug” from bugging you!

cough remedies

Suffering from a Cold or Flu Symptom?


Both cold and flu symptoms are respiratory ailments caused by viruses, although they are different ones. They are very different from bacteria (they are many times smaller) so antibiotics will not affect a viral flu or cold at all. In fact getting antibiotics may actually do more harm as it will weaken the immune system. That is definitely not what we want. We need to strengthen our immune system, and fortunately there are many effective ways to do that naturally.

A Viral Flu symptom will usually appear very quickly (within 3-6 hours) and consist of a fever (sudden onset flu fever), body aches, dry cough, and extreme tiredness. Cold symptoms are less severe and people experience a stuffy nose, productive cough, slight tiredness, and limited body aches.


Think fast=flu, and constant=cold. The most important thing to do is to treat it quickly as the virus replicates like wildfire through your body. The severity is determined by how strong your immune system is. Cold and Flu Treatment is very similar because they are both viral infections and are vulnerable to specific herbs, vitamins and homeopathic remedies. Keep a zapper on hand as this will remedy all viral, parasites and bacterial infections (including h1n1, bird flu, swine flu, etc.).

The Natural Flu Treatment

Here is a holistic flu treatment to get you quick cold and flu relief:

  • Get a Zapper (Dr. Hulda Clark Zapper or Terminator Zapper) and use it immediately!
  • Take 8 grams of vitamin-C (preferably ester-C) at the first sign of infection (loose stools may result, as the virus leaves the body)
  • Suck on some zinc lozenges 4-6 times a day
  • Use Oscillococcinum at the first signs of cold or flu.
  • Take a hot shower or bath if you can
  • Sit in a sauna or even your car with the windows up for 20-30 minutes.
  • If you are home, you can get some clean white sheets and put them over your regular ones, and cover yourself up really well.
  • Take a homeopathic remedy to quickly relieve any common flu symptom quickly.

The point is to raise your body temperature so that your body will become inhospitable to virus replication and survival. This is what your body normally wants to do, as it gives you a fever. The best way to alleviate cold or flu symptoms is to strengthen your immune system and make your body as alkaline as possible and try not to become stressed as this will weaken your immune system. Laughing actually strengthens your immune system, so watch a comedy or call a friend that makes you laugh. Laughter really is good medicine and may even help you prevent colds and flu infections.


If you start coughing and have the other mild flu symptoms, you may have a cold, so here are a few holistic alternative remedies you can use to get better quickly:

Natural Cough Remedies

  • Drink a shot of the purest hard liquor (adults only) you can, and drink it slowly as to coat your throat, then have some hot tea, any of the warming ones will work well (cinnamon, or spiced tea).
  • Get some throat lozenges that have Slippery Elm Bark in it, as that will naturally coat the throat (Holistic Cough Remedies)
  • Have a teaspoon (a few times a day) of organic raw honey (grade B) not grade “a” as it is heated and it looses most of its nutrients if heated above 120 degrees.
  • Drink grapefruit juice and finish with a teaspoon of honey.
  • Eat some vegetable soup (vegetables are alkaline, all meat is acidic) with sea salt in it (salt kills all pathogens on contact)

Holistic Alternative Healing Remedies

Drink plenty of structured alkalized water with a dash of sea salt and colloidal silver in it. You can purchase a bottle or even get a machine and make your own relatively inexpensively. The smaller the particle size the better, as well as the more parts per million (PPM) the better. You can structure your water by placing a clear quartz crystal or neodymium magnets in a jar of water for about 5 minutes. By structuring your water, you increase the surface tension and thereby allow body to absorb it into the body tissues, rather than have most of it drain out of you without hydrating you first. Also, virus and bacteria thrive in an acidic environment, so alkalizing your water or drinking citrus juices if very important. This will hasten flu recovery many times over.

The Natural Cold Remedy

Here's a good natural cold remedy. Acidophilus and Lactobacillus (probiotics) help increase the beneficial bacteria in your body, aid digestion, and prevent molds, fungus and harmful pathogens from thriving in your body. Good herbs to take to strengthen your immune system:

  • Echinacea (200mg 5 times/day)
  • Astragalus (400mg 2 times/day)
  • Garlic (400-600mg 4 times/day)
  • Goldenseal (125mg 5 times/day)

Homeopathic Remedies can help you recover quicker and also build your immune system, not weaken it like traditional medicines do. Also, there are steps you can take to prevent the cold and flu as well as any pandemics in the future. Click on the link below for a Homeopathic Native Remedy and have it on hand for the cold and flu season. Also works for infant flu and flu fever. Be ready for the cold and flu system today!

Relieve Flu Symptoms Quickly

Homeopathic Flu Symptom Relief - Build Immune System, Beat Flu Fast!

You can prevent flu symptoms by keeping your immune system strong and understanding how cold and flu pandemics actually work, and how best to not pick them up and spread them to friends, family and loved ones. Flu pandemics come and go as they have throughout recorded history, but underlying causes can be treated simply by knowing what to have on hand. The guide book below can definitely help you not be a victim of the H1N1, Bird Flu, Swine Flu or any other flu period! Click on the book and packet link below to protect yourself and your loved ones now.


common flu symptoms

Prevent Flu Symptoms - Natural Immunity

Visit my other websites for more great natural health tips:

Holistic Medicine

Spiritual Healing

Arthritis Treatment

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