“I Bet You Didn’t Know That You Could Use a Simple Hand Held Device that Runs on an 9-Volt Battery to Zap Away Arthritis Pain and Inflammation at Will. How About Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi, Worms and Parasites too? Here’s The One Device That Your Doctor Doesn’t Want You To Know About!”

don croft zapperThe Terminator Zapper

This little device should be in every household in the world. It just may save your life from some disease or infection that modern antibiotics still can’t touch. It can clear your sinuses, relieve muscle cramps and soothe arthritis pain and stiffness. And also save your bank account and your health in an emergency.

It was developed by Dr. Hulda Clark as a safe, natural and ultra effective alternative to harmful and expensive prescription medications.  Don Croft a medical researcher added to it's functionality and made it even better, so it is able to help alleviate even more conditions than before, like arthritis. Once you have the Zapper, you only need to replace a simple 9-volt battery every month or so with regular use.

It works by sending pulses of direct current from a standard 9 volt batteryinto your circulatory system and body, which is harmful to parasites and bacteria, but actually calming to the rest of your body. I use it in the evenings to relax and even for those tough nights where I just can’t seem to fall asleep.

David Wolfe is one of the foremost nutritional experts and he highly advocates using it regularly and even carries it with him pretty much wherever he goes. I have followed his great advice and didn’t even know that he was recommending the Zapper as well. I have had mine for about 3 years now and it has been a real life saver (as well as a money saver.)

Here’s what David Wolfe has to say about the Terminator Zapper:

I have a review of this particular Zapper model called the Terminator Zapper by Don Croft on this website. You can check out what other people are saying about it as well by going to: Terminator Zapper.

Use the Zapper in combination with the recommended Arthritis Remedies and you’ll be healthier than you have ever been in your life. You can even lend it to friends and family and help them with a speedy recovery from colds, flu’s and even serious infections quickly. Highly Recommended!!!!


Holistic Practitioner

Holistic Healing