Thursday, December 30, 2010

Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms and Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment

Do You Have Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms? Are You Looking for a Natural Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment That Really Works?

What's Rheumatoid Arthritis?

rheumatory arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the second major type of arthr itis experienced – exceeded in number of cases only by Osteoarthritis (OA). It is a very serious ailment caused by pain and inflammation of the joints. The pain associated with the RA is at times so severe that it almost completely immobilizes its sufferers. It affects women more often than men. In fact almost 75% of the 2 million people with rheumatoid arthritis in the United States are women.

Unlike Osteoarthritis, the highest form of arthritis, which typically begins after the age of 45, RA can hit as early as teen years and is most common in the 20-40 age groups. It is thought that it is an inherited condition and is brought on by environmental factors and social stresses.

Most Rheumatoid Arthritis pain is worse in the morning compared to the osteoarthritis where the pain worsens throughout the day. As the condition progresses the inflammatory activity leads to erosion and destruction of the synovium or joint cavity, which limits their normal range of movement and can even lead to physical deformity of the joint area.

RA actually affects the sufferer on two levels: the joint level, and the entire body. The person affected will experience joint related symptoms as well as a system-wide immune response which can further complicate the condition. Getting rheumatoid arthritis help is a must because if left alone it could lead to a weakened immune system.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms

There are two levels to Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms, Joint-Level and System-Level as described below:

Joint-Level Symptoms

  • Morning stiffness. Joint stiffness may develop after you just get up in the morning, and after long periods of lying down or sitting and can last for several hours.
  • Painful, swollen, tender, and stiff joints. Both sides of the body are usually affected, especially the hands, wrists, elbows, knees, ankles, feet, or even the neck. They may feel hot to the touch.
  • Nodules or Bumps. Rheumatoid nodules ranging in size from a pea to a grape develop in nearly one-third of people who have rheumatoid arthritis. They usually form over pressure points in the body such as the elbows, knuckles, spine, and lower leg bones.

System-Level Symptoms

  • Fatigue and General Malaise.
  • A loss of appetite or Nausea.
  • General Irritability.
  • Depression.
  • Anxiety
  • Feelings of Helplessness.
  • Weight loss.
  • Low-Grade fever.
  • Numbness and tingling in the extremities.

Do you have RA? If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms or a combination of them, you may want to refer to your physician or therapist for an actual medical diagnosis. Your doctor or practitioner will try to determine the causes of your symptoms based on your description, your medical history, and a physical examination. They also may use x rays and laboratory tests to distinguish between other conditions and rheumatoid arthritis. A blood test can be done for rheumatoid factor, which is present in 80% of people with rheumatoid arthritis, but it may not be visible early on.

In Rheumatoid Arthritis, synovial inflammation and damage is a common source of the problem. Doctors and researchers are not absolutely sure what causes it, but most think that rheumatoid arthritis is a disease in which the immune system actually attacks certain tissues in the body, including those that connect the joints and the synovium. Rheumatoid Arthritis typically advances in stages beginning with painful swelling and stiffness of the joints. In the next stage the pain intensifies and the bones and cartilage become severely affected thereby restricting the movement and flexibility of the person altogether.

Rheumatoid Arthritis may even progress further until scar tissue actually forms in the joint or, in extreme cases, until the bones actually fuse together. The fingers can deviate towards the little finger and can assume asymmetrical shapes. By this time the diseases becomes chronic and defies all conventional treatment options. Fortunately there is help from Holistic Medicine.

Causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis

The actual causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis are not totally understood by traditional medicine. Here are the most common culprits that medical science knows of:

• Auto-Immune Dysfunction (Overactive Response).
• Genetically inherited (it appears that Rheumatoid Arthritis sometimes runs in families).
• Bacterial, Viral or Fungal Infection.
• Environmental Factors (Stressors)
• Food Allergies

Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet

Take into consideration the following Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet Guidelines:

  • Limit Simple Sugars and refined foods as they lead to inflammation
  • Limit starchy vegetables like potatoes and carrots until you get complete relief
  • Eat as many green salads and vegetables as you can
  • Add almonds and walnuts to your diet
  • Eat pineapple, papaya and berries regularly
  • Take natural anti-inflammatories like turmeric, ginger, boswellia and cayenne
  • Add SuperFoods to your diet, particularly dark chocolate (high cacao %), wheatgrass and even Red Wine if you can handle it.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment

The only thing that seems to work for RA is the natural Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment. There are a number of things you can do to get complete and lasting relief for Rheumatoid Arthritis. If you are fully committed to getting better, you can most assuredly get relief. If you try doing a few of these things, you will find that you can greatly improve and even reverse the symptoms and condition of Rheumatory Arthritis for good!

The key to experiencing a full recovery from rheumatoid arthritis pain and inflammation begins with giving your body the nutrition and supplementation it needs to rebuild your joints from the inside out. First and foremost follow the Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet guidelines above.

Immune System – The Rheumatism in RA Syndrome

We need to address the immune system situation by resetting your immune system in general. Start Cranking up your natural immunity by taking the greatest immune enhancer in the world – Medicinal Mushrooms! Get a Terminator Zapper, which removes parasites and pathogens from your body on a regular basis.

Arthritis – The Arthritic Part of RA Syndrome

Begin rebuilding your joints naturally by orally supplementing with MSM, Silica, Ionic Minerals, MegaHydrate and Magnesium. Do not take extra supplemental Calcium as that is a source of the problem! You can also use some topically applied supplements that penetrate deeply and remove the pain quickly. They are DMSO (which is topically applied MSM) or Silicum (Silica Gel). These act very quickly and penetrate deeply and give you fast relief while rebuilding your joint socket.

Here is the complete list of what you need in the order of importance:

You can find out more information on the Arthritis Remedies page.


Visit my other websites for more great natural health tips:

Holistic Medicine

Spiritual Healing

Arthritis Treatment

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Bodybuilding Diet - Learn the Secrets to Explosive Muscle Growth Nutrition

Looking for the Bodybuilding Diet that will help You Quickly Build 10 Pounds of Rock Hard Muscle? Learn the Secrets to Explosive Muscle Growth that 95% of all Hard Gainers fail to do, and fail because of it!build muscle fast

Bodybuilding Diet - What You Need to Know

Stop wasting your hard earned money on expensive supplements that just don’t work. There are really only a few core supplements that have scientific proof that they actually work. You can see the results for yourself in the gym. Knowing what and how to eat for muscular gains is the most important factor in gaining hard, pumped and explosive muscles. Nutrient timing is very important. Eating the right things at the right time in the proper ratios for muscle growth make the difference between making no gains, to developing superhuman strength and musculature.

Your primary nutritional goal is different than non-bodybuilders. You are trying to prime your natural testosterone pump by combining foods and supplements with proper cyclic muscle building routines. If you do not perform in a cyclical manner (foods, supplements and workouts) you will stop the anabolic pump and stay in catabolic (muscle wasting) phase. You'll avoid that with this plan.

Muscle Building Diet - Priming the Anabolic Pump

You need to start with the right food combinations for muscle development and time it with the best natural supplement on the planet. L-Arginine is that specific amino acid that enhances muscular development and triples natural testosterone production. It is commonly knows as Nitric Oxide or NO. It has some killer crazy side effects, which are the opposite of anabolic steroids – they actually increase penile blood flow as well (we know that steroids shrink the testicles and make your “willy” limp.

Here is a quick and dirty natural muscle building diet list:

  • Protein (Whey Protein, Greens Protein, Hemp Protein) – You can mix them, and get more benefits.
  • Micronized Creatine Monohydrate (Draws nutrients to muscle cells – mostly water weight though.)
  • Nitric Oxide (progressive release) This is the supplement you really want to include!
  • Natural Simple Carbohydrate Sources (Bananas, Berries, Apples, Pineapples)
  • Natural Complex Carbohydrate Sources (Oatmeal, Beans, Wild Rice, Whole Grains)
  • Flax Seeds and/or Flax Seed Oil (helps turn off muscle wasting hormones)
  • Walnuts and Almonds (any other nuts, like Pine, etc are good after these)

Gain Muscle Mass

The fastest way to build hard packed muscle is to use whole food sources as much as possible, as well as organic sources.  Organic foods are considered live foods and have a much higher biological value than their commercial counterparts.  The pesticides, herbicides, and radiation that commercial foods are exposed to actually slow down muscle building and reflex speed upon muscle contraction.  Now, here’s how you combine these muscle building ingredients to make your muscles swell like a seal in a bikini.  You can start with whole foods, followed by supplements, or supplements only if you don’t have access to whole foods.


Pre-Workout Whole Foods and Supplements (2 hours before workout):

  • 1 or 2 Cups Oatmeal and raisins (or other fruit, with 2 tablespoons flax seeds) or
  • Whole grain cereal with a whole banana or berries or
  • 3 Eggs with 2 slices whole grain toast, with omega-3 enriched spread (smart balance, etc)
  • 4 Grams Micronized Creatine Monohydrate (30 minutes before workout)
  • 1 Serving Nitric Oxide (3-5 grams) (30 minutes before workout)


Pre-Workout Supplements Only (30-40 minutes before workout):

Bodybuilding Nutrition

Post-Workout Supplements:

  • 5 Grams L-Glutamine immediately after workout (or Xtreme Grape Ice)
  • Wait 30 minutes (use the sanua or steam room if you can – muscle recovery) then,
  • 3 Grams Micronized Creatine
  • 1 Serving Nitric Oxide (3 Grams)
  • Whole Banana, Apple or other fruit (Juice or sports drink is of next value)
  • 1 Scoop Whey Protein
  • 1 Scoop Hemp Protein (or an extra scoop of whey if you can’t find this)
  • Wait an hour then,
  • Have a complete whole meal (Protein, Complex Carbohydrates and Healthy Fats)

Between Workouts:

  • Hemp Protein – 1 Scoop
  • Organic Fruits or Vegetables
  • Wheatgrass juice (at a juice bar like Jamba Juice or with your own juicer if you can get one)
  • Get a massage if you can get one!

Non-Workout Days:

  • 1 Serving XtremeNO (Nitric Oxide, Perpetual Release)
  • 2 Servings Organic Green Vegetables (any kind will do)
  • 2 Servings Organic Fruits
  • 1 Serving Whole Grains (bread, toast, cereal, tortillas, etc)
  • 2 Servings Natural Protein source (or protein drink)

Use these meal plans as a guideline and combine them with the proper muscle development workout plans and you’ll be harder and bigger than you ever were. Jason Ferrugia has himself built freaky musculature from a once skinny and "wimpy" frame. He now helps others do the same. His muscle gainers nutrition plan combined with proper exercise activation and timing, will turn you from a good man into a hard man.

Muscle Gaining Secrets

If you’re serious about building muscle really fast, then I’d recommend that you check out Muscle Gaining Secrets. Take about 5 minutes and read how silly crazy this system helps you totally transform your body in about 46 days guaranteed. They have Bodybuilding Diet Meal Plans that give you all the specifics you need to know to time your workouts, nutrition and supplementation with no wasted time or effort. Real People and Real Results are waiting for you. You’ll have all the ammo you need to get pumped like never before. Workout Smarter and your friends and family will be first to notice, not to mention the people who have ignored you before, will not turn their heads and notice. Click the Muscle Gaining Secrets book below and Get Started Now!


bodybuilding diet and workout

Visit my other websites for more great natural health tips:

Holistic Medicine

Spiritual Healing

Arthritis Treatment

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Psoriatic Arthritis - Natural Remedies for Fast Relief

What is Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic Arthritis (PA) is the form of Arthritis that is also accompanied by Psoriasis (inflammation of the skin), particularly around the arthritic joint being affected. Psoriasis is common skin condition that affects people of all ages.

arthritis remedies arranging flowers

In Psoriatic Arthritis, the psoriasis generally comes first and then the arthritis develops a short time later. About 1 in 20 people who experience psoriasis will also develop arthritis and be diagnosed with PA.

Causes of Psoriatic Arthritis

According to the western medical community the actual cause of PA is unknown, but is thought to be brought upon by genetics. Holistic Medicine views this as being caused by unrelieved stress that has nowhere else to go but into the joints and out to the skin.

Symptoms of PA

Here are a few common signs that can signal the onset of PA:

  • Swelling around a joint area
  • Stiffness of a joint
  • Pain and Redness around a joint
  • Skin Irritation and Flakiness

Natural Cures for Psoriatic Arthritis

There are the most highly recommended nutrients that you must get into your body that can help you relieve PA effectively. Use the following natural supplements and therapies to remove the source of the condition and the symptoms that are showing up as well:

  • MSM (at least 10 grams orally per day in divided servings)
  • DMSO (applied topically over affected joint once or twice as day as needed)
  • Silica (Take orally as directed – Orgono Living Silica is Highly Recommended)
  • Ionic Minerals (Take orally as directed once a day)
  • MegaHydrate (Take orally as directed)
  • Drink purified water throughout the day
  • Move the affected joint (walk, stretch, bend, and even massage)
  • Practice Deep Breathing (at least 4 deep breaths to relieve stress)
  • Consider learning Meditation, a proven stress reducer

Additional Supplements, not as important as the top ones, but good choices if you have the resources to get them:

If you follow these recommendations you should notice almost immediate improvement. This is great because traditional medicine has no real answer for this condition.

Learn to not let things get under your skin or irritate you so much. Try to relax as much as you can and not be “stiff” in your thinking or responses to other people. For more information you can visit the Arthritis Remedies page.


Visit my other websites for great wellness tips:

Quick Weight Loss

Arthritis Remedies

Zero Limits

Easy Diets That Work? Dust Off Those Clothes You've Been Dying To Fit Into Again.

best diets program

Easy Diets That Work? Discover the 3 Important Tips that Cause You To Lose Weight Fast, and Keep it off Permanently!

Easy Diets That WorkEasy Diets That Work - Woman Jumping


The Very Best Diets are those that are easy enough that you can actually follow them. You’ll never lose weight permanently if you do not choose a diet that you can't possibly stick to. There are 3 important tips to help you get there. Ignore these 3 tips and you’ll be here again next year trying to lose weight, again. I'm not going to let you do that. Instead I'll show you a failsafe method that will guarantee you'll be wearing the clothes that you've been only dreaming of wearing again.

it’s a fact that skimpy diets with bland food that make you feel sick are the ones you will never stick with. In fact they may actually cause you to not even try dieting again. Those diets don’t work because they are unrealistic. The diet goals that you can actually achieve are the ones the Will Work for You! Let's face it: we are all different, with different tastes and different needs.

Permanent Weight Loss Meal Planning

The Three Most Important Diets That Work Tips:

  • Begin by adding 1 new SuperFood to your daily diet per week
  • Drop 1 unhealthful food from your daily diet per week
  • Cultivate a friendship with a health conscious person and share your results

This may sound overly simplistic, and it is, and it is so easy that you can start right here right now.  Here are some SuperFoods that you can add to your diet and begin your fat loss routine:

  • Dark Chocolate (Raw Organic with the Highest % of Cacao)
  • Red Wine (1 glass of Cabernet or dark red wine per day)
  • Green Tea (2 cups per day, preferably after lunchtime)
  • Wheatgrass (1 shot per day, more if you have a juicer)

These SuperFoods are so rich in antioxidants and will actually stimulate the release of the chemicals that cause your body to store body fat.  You can find these foods online at SunFoods or on the Resources Menu. Next replace one food or additive that is the most harmful to your health, and fat loss goals. Here are a few of the worst offenders that you should avoid at all costs:

  • NutraSweet (Aspartame is the main ingredient) Replace with natural sugar or honey
  • MSG (MonoSodium Glutamate) Replace with a natural herb blend available at almost any store
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup (Replace with any natural sugar, preferably unprocessed)
  • Genetically Modified Foods (look for organic fruits and vegetables and grass or natural fed meats)

Finally, it’s important to cultivate your own “amen corner” and develop friendships with people who share your quest for a new healthier (and thinner) you. They can keep you accountable as well as go out and window shop for your new clothing (that will fit to a “T”) within the next few months.  Can you feel the energy now?  Yes you will be there if you follow the 3 most important weight loss tips.

You can find recipe tips and extended meal planning tips for easy diets that work at Diet Solution Program website. I applaud you for caring and making this planet a better place, one healthy person at a time!


Visit my other websites for great wellness tips:

Quick Weight Loss

Arthritis Remedies

Zero Limits

Monday, December 27, 2010

Quick Weight Loss - Rapid Weight Loss Tips to Lose Weight Quickly

Discover a switch in your body that you can turn on that will burn off belly fat and loose those unsightly love handles once and for all!

Quick Weight Loss Tips


If you could learn to lose weight quickly and improve your health and overall appearance with an easy to follow nutrition plan would you do it now. It is a rapid weight loss system where you can still eat all the foods you’re comfortable with and yet drop pants sizes faster than Roseann Barr on in a sweat lodge!

Many others just like you have already done this and now it's your turn to look many years younger, and a heck of a lot leaner. Remember those old pants you've been saving to fit into someday? Well, you can do it in about 30 days. And, it's easy too. Just learn how to modify what you already eat and use it as weight loss food.    We show you how to develop your own fat burning diet menu from items you are already eating and adding some power weight loss recipes that will trick your body into thinking that you have an excess of stored energy (fat) and that you can use it as it’s first fuel that it burns leading to fat weight loss while enhancing your muscle tone. I can see you looking good in the mirror already!

Lose Weight Quickly?

girl measuring rapid weight loss

Can it really be true? It’s actually a lot easier than you think.  I know, because I’ve done it myself.  I weighed over 250 pounds myself and even though I worked out regularly, I just could not get rid of that excess body fat that I was carrying around.  I tried all the top supplements out there that promised instant fat loss and even tried weight loss plans, like low carb, high protein and while these did help some, they were not the complete solution I was looking for.   That is until I discovered the secret to “flip the switch” that promotes fat weight loss quickly and easily.

I’ve since learned a fast diet method that really works.  It is well known that it has to do primarily with not so much what you eat, but how you combine what you eat!  And the timing of your eating is key.  Once you try this new weight loss diet menu method you will absolutely love it.  Because it works and you can still have the foods you crave.  You'll really be excited to share this with others. Imaging you giving weight loss advice to other? Well, you will be able to.

You can start right now by eating a variety of foods, the more, the better.  Do not eat the same thing every day!  It is important that your body does become use to any particular food at any particular time, as it will think that it needs to store this as body fat because there is no food variety and it may be in a famine situation.  We want the opposite to happen.

Rapid Weight Loss Plan

Here are some very important food combining tips for Rapid Weight Loss:

  • Eat fatty foods at a different time than sugary foods
  • Mix sugary foods with a complex carbohydrate source
  • Combine fast acting proteins like whey with complex carbs (unless you’ve just worked out)
  • Drink green tea, and do have your coffee before any activity, but not with meals
  • Eat fat burning foods like celery, broccoli and any greens
  • Eat enzyme producing fruits like pineapple, papaya

You can find exact food combination ideas and strategies in the Rapid Weight Loss nutritional website. They have experts that can help you get to where you want to be even faster than ever before.  Use that advice with any type of physical activity and you have the “recipe for accelerated fat loss.”

Take before and after pictures as your friends and family will want to know what you did to get so leaned out so quickly.  You will look better in all your new clothes (naked too) before the month is over.  To get the latest tips on how to lose weight quickly visit the website for Rapid Weight Loss, or visit my personal websites for more information:

Quick Weight Loss

Arthritis Remedies

Zero Limits



Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Feeling SAD? Seasonal Affective Disorder may be the cause.

Depression Treatment for SAD

Is Life Feeling S.A.D.?

feeling alone

S.A.D. or Seasonal Affective Disorder affects up to 10% of the population according to  It usually begins when the season changes from fall into the longer and darker winter months. It is a mild form of depression that can sometimes get more severe if the person being affected does not take some positive steps to alleviate it. If you or someone you know experiences serious mood changes, usually in a negative or depressive type way, they may just be suffering from SAD.

How do you know for sure if you have SAD and are just not sad? There are some common signs and symptoms that you can look out for to see if you or someone you know is suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder or Depression.

Are You Suffering from Any of the Following?

  • Oversleeping
  • Difficulty Getting Out of Bed
  • Overeating
  • Cravings for Carbohydrates and Sweets
  • Lack of Energy
  • Lack of Drive
  • Difficulty Relating with Others
  • Withdrawal from Friends, Family and Social Gatherings
  • No Sense of Purpose
  • The word Suicide even crossing your mind

If you are experiencing  3 or more of these symptoms when the seasons change into the colder and darker winter months then you just may be affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder. It is generally not severe unless the person does not adjust within a week or two. It’s not the end of the world, just the end of a season. There is plenty that you can do to help yourself or someone you know who is being affected by SAD.

Common Remedies for SAD

  • Anti-Depressants (not recommended because they have major side effects)
  • St. John’s Wort, Omega 3′s, SAM-e and Caffeine supplementation (all short term)
  • Natural Sunlight Therapy and/or Full Spectrum Lighting
  • DHEA & Melatonin Supplementation
  • Exercise – Particularly Cardio for at least 20 Minutes per day
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT
  • Psychology, Psychiatry or Counseling

I personally do not recommend any prescription medications except in case of being suicidal. The other remedies should be tried first because they are more successful long-term and don’t have the dangerous side-effects of Paxil, Prozac, Ritalin and other similar type medications. Start out by changing the lighting in your home to full-spectrum lighting. Then get outdoors for at least 20 minutes on days where there is sunlight. Exercise in any way that you can that is comfortable for you. Consider eating more vibrantly colored foods (yellows, oranges and greens) and take some of the recommended supplements above.

If your depression is lasting for more than a week or two then consider getting psychological or counseling assistance. You can also learn to heal yourself and others of depression and SAD by using the Depression Free Method. You can find out more about this on the Depression Help page on this site.



Healing Remedies

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Arthritis Relief

Alone Again for The Holidays?

Alone Again, Naturallyfinding love

Holidays can be both a time of extreme happiness and a time of deep sadness and lonliness. We can be happy to know that we have loving friends and family and yet go home to an empty home. I know. It’s a place that I’ve been to many times in my own past. I would be the life of the party and yet still come home alone at the end of the night. And the harder I seemed to try, the more finding the right person for me seemed to escape me. So, you’re not alone in feeling this way. You can learn to make an Incredible Connection tonight from the comfort of your own chair.

1st Steps in Attracting a Harmonious Partner

Here are some of the things that I did that led to my never coming home alone again (unless I actually wanted the rest, of course!):

  • Learn to Be at peace with yourself – Be Happy In your own skin
  • Discover Your passion in life
  • Find places where others are that share that passion
  • Know that you are a valuable person
  • Know that you are meant to be happy
  • Know that someone is dying to share in that happiness – With You!

Be At Peace With Yourself

Let’s get this out of the way. First and foremost- it all starts with you. It’s really all about you anyway. You can’t really experience it any other way. You will only attract the equivalent of what energy you are sending out by your true feelings about yourself. It isn’t about the other person. You’ll know that you’ve passed this step when you can lay in bed or on the couch in the evening and say to yourself “I love you [your name].” This may seem hard at first but it only takes a decision to do it, that’s it. So, please sit or lay back and do this step right now. You're now moving towards your goal and it is moving towards you too.

Discover Your True Passion In Life

What is the one thing that you could do on your own or by yourself that would make you feel really good?  Do you love a particular song? A particular Movie? A particular Place? A particular activity? This critical step requires you to find one or more of these particular things, and write them down. When was the last time that you actually did or experienced any one of them? If you can’t even remember, then it’s time to write down at least five things that make you feel really happy, and then plan to do one of them within the next week. That’s an excellent start.

Can You Do This Passion Socially?

People are naturally drawn to others that are “like them” and we say that we “like them” when we find them. If you like reading books, go hang out at a Bookstore in a mall or a library. You’re sure to meet other people who are enjoying the very same activity that you do. There are also plenty of internet groups, like meetup groups that other people just like you are organizing with your interest locally. You can even start one of these groups and be the hottest ticket in town. Now, that's taking the bull by the horns!

Realize You Are a Valuable Person

You are an extremely valuable person to the world. If you were not, then you would not even be here. There are many people who would be very excited to actually meet you and spend time with you. The more positive you are, the more you are sending out the right signals that others will notice and respond to. You must know that you are valuable and exude that confidence out the world stage. When you do that, you’ll find that your opportunities increase exponentially. Again, it starts in you.

Are You Meant to be Happy?

Happiness is not a decree it is a decision. You can decide to be happy or miserable at any time of your life. You see it all the time around you. Your perception will create your reality. If you are doing what makes you happy, then you are truly happy, simple as that. Decide that you are worth it and tell it to yourself many times a day. How many times you might ask? Over and Over and Over until you really believe it. When you do that consistently, your subconscious will believe that and you’ll find yourself acting happy even when you don’t realize that. And of course you will draw others to your happiness.

Someone is Dying to Meet You

Someone is desperately waiting for you to come prancing across their radar screen.  It might take a long time to cross their screen if you’re just sitting at home and not doing what you love doing.  So, what are you waiting for? I know some people may be naturally shy, and there is nothing wrong with that. Shyness can actually be a bit sexy. A good piece of advice would to be to learn about how to send and receive the signals that are being sent as you are out in the world in your daily life. When you learn how to read these signals of interest, you can act in confidence because you’ll know exactly what they mean, and how you should respond to get what you really want. You help others by helping yourself first.

Men and Women Attract Each Other Differently

If you’re a woman looking to naturally attract a quality man then I highly recommend that you read the 10 Secrets About Men.

If you’re a man looking to attract your vision of a beautiful woman then I recommend that you arm yourself by reading the following Free tips on how to attract, arouse any woman, kiss test, and more.

Visit our relationship section for more information on forming incredible connections.



Mind Body Spirit

Natural Remedy

Arthritis Relief