Do You Have Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms? Are You Looking for a Natural Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment That Really Works?
What's Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the second major type of arthr itis experienced – exceeded in number of cases only by Osteoarthritis (OA). It is a very serious ailment caused by pain and inflammation of the joints. The pain associated with the RA is at times so severe that it almost completely immobilizes its sufferers. It affects women more often than men. In fact almost 75% of the 2 million people with rheumatoid arthritis in the United States are women.
Unlike Osteoarthritis, the highest form of arthritis, which typically begins after the age of 45, RA can hit as early as teen years and is most common in the 20-40 age groups. It is thought that it is an inherited condition and is brought on by environmental factors and social stresses.
Most Rheumatoid Arthritis pain is worse in the morning compared to the osteoarthritis where the pain worsens throughout the day. As the condition progresses the inflammatory activity leads to erosion and destruction of the synovium or joint cavity, which limits their normal range of movement and can even lead to physical deformity of the joint area.
RA actually affects the sufferer on two levels: the joint level, and the entire body. The person affected will experience joint related symptoms as well as a system-wide immune response which can further complicate the condition. Getting rheumatoid arthritis help is a must because if left alone it could lead to a weakened immune system.
Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms
There are two levels to Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms, Joint-Level and System-Level as described below:
Joint-Level Symptoms
- Morning stiffness. Joint stiffness may develop after you just get up in the morning, and after long periods of lying down or sitting and can last for several hours.
- Painful, swollen, tender, and stiff joints. Both sides of the body are usually affected, especially the hands, wrists, elbows, knees, ankles, feet, or even the neck. They may feel hot to the touch.
- Nodules or Bumps. Rheumatoid nodules ranging in size from a pea to a grape develop in nearly one-third of people who have rheumatoid arthritis. They usually form over pressure points in the body such as the elbows, knuckles, spine, and lower leg bones.
System-Level Symptoms
- Fatigue and General Malaise.
- A loss of appetite or Nausea.
- General Irritability.
- Depression.
- Anxiety
- Feelings of Helplessness.
- Weight loss.
- Low-Grade fever.
- Numbness and tingling in the extremities.
Do you have RA? If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms or a combination of them, you may want to refer to your physician or therapist for an actual medical diagnosis. Your doctor or practitioner will try to determine the causes of your symptoms based on your description, your medical history, and a physical examination. They also may use x rays and laboratory tests to distinguish between other conditions and rheumatoid arthritis. A blood test can be done for rheumatoid factor, which is present in 80% of people with rheumatoid arthritis, but it may not be visible early on.
In Rheumatoid Arthritis, synovial inflammation and damage is a common source of the problem. Doctors and researchers are not absolutely sure what causes it, but most think that rheumatoid arthritis is a disease in which the immune system actually attacks certain tissues in the body, including those that connect the joints and the synovium. Rheumatoid Arthritis typically advances in stages beginning with painful swelling and stiffness of the joints. In the next stage the pain intensifies and the bones and cartilage become severely affected thereby restricting the movement and flexibility of the person altogether.
Rheumatoid Arthritis may even progress further until scar tissue actually forms in the joint or, in extreme cases, until the bones actually fuse together. The fingers can deviate towards the little finger and can assume asymmetrical shapes. By this time the diseases becomes chronic and defies all conventional treatment options. Fortunately there is help from Holistic Medicine.
Causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis
The actual causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis are not totally understood by traditional medicine. Here are the most common culprits that medical science knows of:
• Auto-Immune Dysfunction (Overactive Response).
• Genetically inherited (it appears that Rheumatoid Arthritis sometimes runs in families).
• Bacterial, Viral or Fungal Infection.
• Environmental Factors (Stressors)
• Food Allergies
Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet
Take into consideration the following Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet Guidelines:
- Limit Simple Sugars and refined foods as they lead to inflammation
- Limit starchy vegetables like potatoes and carrots until you get complete relief
- Eat as many green salads and vegetables as you can
- Add almonds and walnuts to your diet
- Eat pineapple, papaya and berries regularly
- Take natural anti-inflammatories like turmeric, ginger, boswellia and cayenne
- Add SuperFoods to your diet, particularly dark chocolate (high cacao %), wheatgrass and even Red Wine if you can handle it.
Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment
The only thing that seems to work for RA is the natural Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment. There are a number of things you can do to get complete and lasting relief for Rheumatoid Arthritis. If you are fully committed to getting better, you can most assuredly get relief. If you try doing a few of these things, you will find that you can greatly improve and even reverse the symptoms and condition of Rheumatory Arthritis for good!
The key to experiencing a full recovery from rheumatoid arthritis pain and inflammation begins with giving your body the nutrition and supplementation it needs to rebuild your joints from the inside out. First and foremost follow the Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet guidelines above.
Immune System – The Rheumatism in RA Syndrome
We need to address the immune system situation by resetting your immune system in general. Start Cranking up your natural immunity by taking the greatest immune enhancer in the world – Medicinal Mushrooms! Get a Terminator Zapper, which removes parasites and pathogens from your body on a regular basis.
Arthritis – The Arthritic Part of RA Syndrome
Begin rebuilding your joints naturally by orally supplementing with MSM, Silica, Ionic Minerals, MegaHydrate and Magnesium. Do not take extra supplemental Calcium as that is a source of the problem! You can also use some topically applied supplements that penetrate deeply and remove the pain quickly. They are DMSO (which is topically applied MSM) or Silicum (Silica Gel). These act very quickly and penetrate deeply and give you fast relief while rebuilding your joint socket.
Here is the complete list of what you need in the order of importance:
- Silica (Organo Living Silica) is highly recommended
- MegaHydrate
- Ionic Minerals
- Magnesium (or dark chocolate/raw cacao beans)
- DMSO or Silicum
- Terminator Zapper
- Medicinal Mushrooms
You can find out more information on the Arthritis Remedies page.
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