Sunday, November 21, 2010

Is Full-Body Scanning Completely Safe?

Full-Body Scanners – Are They thoroughly Safe?

Full-Body Scanning is being forced upon all who travel the airways, no exception. This procedure invades our personal privacy and that of our children and parents who may fly with us. Besides that, the main question you must ask is "it safe for our health and wellbeing?"

I asked myself that very question before I subjected myself to this new form of personal surveillance. The first concern I have is that all Airline employees and pilots vehemently objected to this type of scan because they have to go through it about 10 times a shift. Secondly, there is major public backlash about it, even to the point of having the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) being removed and replaced by private security instead.

Government officials say it’s “completely harmless” while doctors at Johns Hopkins University and The Mayo Clinic say the radiation and microwave emissions will lead to skin cancer and tumors, and various major possible health problems. I’m siding with the doctors on this one. In fact airplane travel is extremely low, even during the busiest times of the year now. People are concerned about these scans, besides their families and loved ones being forced into embarassing “crotch” touching even of children! And the radiation poisoning has an unthinkable consequence.


There is a solution to this problem. The first thing is not to fly on a public airline until they remove this harmful procedure. If you really have to fly, then you will be well advised to protect yourself as thouroughly as you can. You can't always stop the searches but you can protect yourself and your family from the effects of radiation poisoning. Fortunately there is one substance that can do this singlehandedly. The are called Zeolites, and they eliminate the effects of radiation contamination. They are so powerful that they can even negate the effects of nuclear radiation sickness from Plutonium and Uranium-238 contact!


Just What are Zeolites?

Zeolite is made up  of natural volcanic minerals and are created naturally when the hot lava and cool seawater meet and interact and harden.  It forms a clay like mineral with a essential crystalline structure that is negatively charged. They attract positively charged molecules (also known as free radicals) like a magnet as well as heavy metals like mercury and lead. It bonds to the them and draws them in it’s honeycomb like sticky surface and escorts them quickly out of your body, for good!


Zeolite Benefits

  • Zeolite is a 100% non-toxic and safe to use long-term.
  • Clinically shown to extract heavy metals, toxins also radioactive materials
  • They Strengthen the immune system
  • Balances pH levels leverage the body getting rid of excess acidity.
  • It is so powerful it was used by the Russian government after the Chernobyl Nuclear Explosion.
  • Has been known to help the body remove cancerous tumors and cells.
  • Endorsed and recommended by Dr. Gabriel Cousens, MD, again David Wolfe for use both alone and with the “LongevityNOW” Program.
  • Vegan friendly, ethically mined, and has never been tested on animals.
  • Considered by the FDA as safe and listed on the GRAS list (generally familiar considering safe).
  • A gentle, but powerful natural product that is easy to include in daily diet.


I greatly recommend that you take some before you enter a full-body scanning procedure if you can. Your health and longevity depend on it. Also take some after you get scanned as well. It is good as a general body detox as it gets rid of heavy metals and purges cancer causing substances. Avoid flying in a public airplane if you can, and if you can’t be sure to take some Zeolite with you. You can easily get some directly from the manufacturer or even from They are the same price but Amazon may take a week longer to get because they get it directly from the manufacturer too. Click on either link below and take your health and wellbeing into your own hands.

  ZeoHealth Zeolite PureZeolite From Amazon


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