Monday, April 18, 2011

Nuclear Radiation Survival Guide | Scienceray

Nuclear Radiation Warning in Effect

Harmful Radiation from Japan’s nuclear plant is still sending cancer causing radiation throughout the western world. We are told by the “medical experts” to just take potassium iodide(or iodine) and that will keep us safe. Potassium iodide will actually clog up the thyroid gland and stop radiation from spreading throughout our bodies is what we are told. This is simply false. Particularly for the type of nuclear radiation (iodine 131, cesium 137 and plutonium) that is currently contaminating our food and drinking water supplies. There are five strategies that you must follow to remain healthy and whole and be safe from the effects of Exposure to Radiation.

Five Strategies for Radiation Survival

Monitoring Nuclear Radiation Levels

The first thing you should do is to check to see if you live in an area with active radioactive isotopes (radiation exposure). You can keep up to date by using the internet to get a wider range of reports than the “corporate” viewpoint on mainstream media news. The best method for your home or office is to get an actual radiation monitor or Geiger detector There are easy to use models for home use that will show you if radiation is being detected in or around your home or office. It can even let you know if the food or water you’re about to consume is safe to do so. It’s is best not to rely on public officials to tell you “It’s safe for you to use.”  Learn to Detect Radiation .

Foods that Fight Radiation

Learn which foods and beverages are safe to eat, and beverages and water that is safe to drink. This guide will even show you which foods will naturally protect you from radiation exposure sickness and poisoning. You really need to know this. You will find out where to get survival foods if you need to do so as well.

Whole House Water Purification Stystems

You will find out which methods work the best to purify your water and remove active radiation and which ones will not work at all. There are even portable technologies for people on the go. You can use these for heavy metal and bacterial contamination from outdoor water sources too. Good for camping or drinking water from an unknown source. Don’t get sick from your water, make sure you use Water Purification.

Natural Supplements for Radiation Safety

Find out which ones to take for protection and which to take to detox from radiation sickness or exposure. There is one natural ingredient that is so strong that it detoxes plutonium, cesium, uranium. It was used to clean up the Chernobyl disaster a half century ago. Have some of these on hand for emergencies and during times of high radiation exposure. You’ll want to use these Radiation Herbs.

Treatment for Radiation

Check out the list of natural supplements, herbs and therapies that you and your family can use to get through this situation without ending up with radiation poisoning.  Don’t wait until you need a doctor or get hospitalized. A doctor’s office or hospital is no place to get better. Review this radiation safety guide and you won’t need to panic when radiation levels become elevated where you live or work. 

Click here to read the online guide to Radiation Safety.

Good Radiation Safety and Survival Manual

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