Sunday, April 24, 2011

Bach Flowers Essences - The remedy for stress, depression and emotional wounds.

Bach Flowers Essences


bach flowers essence 


Need emotional support? Bach flowers remedies may be just what the doctor ordered. Dr. Bach, that is! These precise energy medicines have been created to heal the emotional body safely and quickly. They use aromatic flowers imprinted by spring water, brandy and direct sunlight. Dr. Bach created these formulas in the 1930's after studying homeopathy for many years and noting how effective it was for psychological and emotional relief. They work wonders fordepression, anxiety, insomnia and stress. In fact the rescue remedy, is one the fastest acting natural remedies for quickly relieving the effects of stress and depression.

Bach Flower Essences contain the “energetic” imprint of the flower that is then infused into the person needing emotional or psychological support. It helps a person release physical issues by addressing the cause of the distress rather than the effects. Bach flower essences are homeopathic because they are highly diluted in rain or spring water, are vibrational medicines infused directly into the memory of water molecules.

 Water imprinting has been scientifically demonstrated in a laboratory by Dr. Masaru Emoto in his masterpiece “Water Crystal Healing.” He clearly shows how water is affected by it's local environment as well as the (positive or negative) vibrations of humans that are affecting it by music, intention or prayer. Humans, plants and animals are made up of primarily water, so that is why we are so easily affected by vibrations. What Dr. Emoto did was to take water crystals from diverse environments and froze them into water crystals. He then examined these water crystals under a darkfield microscope and will display the fruits of their environment.


high vibration water crystal

Water Crystal from Pristine Spring


low vibration crystal

Same Crystal With Negative Intention Applied


  water flower crystal

Water Crystal from Flower Essence


When the environment was clean, pure and positive, the water crystal formed beautiful structures, like perfect symmetrical snowflakes. If it was taken from a toxic environment, it displayed a sick looking random pattern. Water can also be taken from an unhealthy place to a beautiful state by intention, prayer and high vibrational substances, particularly flowers! Each flower has a specific vibration and effects a specific condition in people who are out of balance in this area.


Dr. Bach originally created 38 primary essences  These flower essences are very gentle, yet powerful emotional remedies that will have a profound positive effect on your health, Mind Body and Spirit. You can get these wonderful essences at Mother Nature. Click on the Mother Nature Natural Products image below and you’ll find all the Bach Flower Essences and Remedies there at huge discounts too!


Homeopathy Bach Flower Remedies Essences

 order now mother nature





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