Radiation testing and containment using zeolite http://thehealingfrequency.com/zeolite/
Monday, April 25, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Bach Flowers Essences - The remedy for stress, depression and emotional wounds.
Bach Flowers Essences
Need emotional support? Bach flowers remedies may be just what the doctor ordered. Dr. Bach, that is! These precise energy medicines have been created to heal the emotional body safely and quickly. They use aromatic flowers imprinted by spring water, brandy and direct sunlight. Dr. Bach created these formulas in the 1930's after studying homeopathy for many years and noting how effective it was for psychological and emotional relief. They work wonders fordepression, anxiety, insomnia and stress. In fact the rescue remedy, is one the fastest acting natural remedies for quickly relieving the effects of stress and depression.
Bach Flower Essences contain the “energetic” imprint of the flower that is then infused into the person needing emotional or psychological support. It helps a person release physical issues by addressing the cause of the distress rather than the effects. Bach flower essences are homeopathic because they are highly diluted in rain or spring water, are vibrational medicines infused directly into the memory of water molecules.
Water imprinting has been scientifically demonstrated in a laboratory by Dr. Masaru Emoto in his masterpiece “Water Crystal Healing.” He clearly shows how water is affected by it's local environment as well as the (positive or negative) vibrations of humans that are affecting it by music, intention or prayer. Humans, plants and animals are made up of primarily water, so that is why we are so easily affected by vibrations. What Dr. Emoto did was to take water crystals from diverse environments and froze them into water crystals. He then examined these water crystals under a darkfield microscope and will display the fruits of their environment.
When the environment was clean, pure and positive, the water crystal formed beautiful structures, like perfect symmetrical snowflakes. If it was taken from a toxic environment, it displayed a sick looking random pattern. Water can also be taken from an unhealthy place to a beautiful state by intention, prayer and high vibrational substances, particularly flowers! Each flower has a specific vibration and effects a specific condition in people who are out of balance in this area.
Dr. Bach originally created 38 primary essences These flower essences are very gentle, yet powerful emotional remedies that will have a profound positive effect on your health, Mind Body and Spirit. You can get these wonderful essences at Mother Nature. Click on the Mother Nature Natural Products image below and you’ll find all the Bach Flower Essences and Remedies there at huge discounts too!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Nuclear Radiation Survival Guide | Scienceray
Nuclear Radiation Warning in Effect
Harmful Radiation from Japan’s nuclear plant is still sending cancer causing radiation throughout the western world. We are told by the “medical experts” to just take potassium iodide(or iodine) and that will keep us safe. Potassium iodide will actually clog up the thyroid gland and stop radiation from spreading throughout our bodies is what we are told. This is simply false. Particularly for the type of nuclear radiation (iodine 131, cesium 137 and plutonium) that is currently contaminating our food and drinking water supplies. There are five strategies that you must follow to remain healthy and whole and be safe from the effects of Exposure to Radiation.
Five Strategies for Radiation Survival
Monitoring Nuclear Radiation Levels
The first thing you should do is to check to see if you live in an area with active radioactive isotopes (radiation exposure). You can keep up to date by using the internet to get a wider range of reports than the “corporate” viewpoint on mainstream media news. The best method for your home or office is to get an actual radiation monitor or Geiger detector There are easy to use models for home use that will show you if radiation is being detected in or around your home or office. It can even let you know if the food or water you’re about to consume is safe to do so. It’s is best not to rely on public officials to tell you “It’s safe for you to use.” Learn to Detect Radiation .
Foods that Fight Radiation
Learn which foods and beverages are safe to eat, and beverages and water that is safe to drink. This guide will even show you which foods will naturally protect you from radiation exposure sickness and poisoning. You really need to know this. You will find out where to get survival foods if you need to do so as well.
Whole House Water Purification Stystems
You will find out which methods work the best to purify your water and remove active radiation and which ones will not work at all. There are even portable technologies for people on the go. You can use these for heavy metal and bacterial contamination from outdoor water sources too. Good for camping or drinking water from an unknown source. Don’t get sick from your water, make sure you use Water Purification.
Natural Supplements for Radiation Safety
Find out which ones to take for protection and which to take to detox from radiation sickness or exposure. There is one natural ingredient that is so strong that it detoxes plutonium, cesium, uranium. It was used to clean up the Chernobyl disaster a half century ago. Have some of these on hand for emergencies and during times of high radiation exposure. You’ll want to use these Radiation Herbs.
Treatment for Radiation
Check out the list of natural supplements, herbs and therapies that you and your family can use to get through this situation without ending up with radiation poisoning. Don’t wait until you need a doctor or get hospitalized. A doctor’s office or hospital is no place to get better. Review this radiation safety guide and you won’t need to panic when radiation levels become elevated where you live or work.
Click here to read the online guide to Radiation Safety.
Good Radiation Safety and Survival Manual
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
How to Detect Radiation at Home or Anywhere!
Learn to Detect Radiation Using a Home Radiation Test and Geiger Detectors or Counter. They Can Show If Your Food, Water or Clothing is Contaminated With Nuclear Radiation Poisoningand Even Where it is Coming From!
Why You Really Need to Test Radiation Yourself
The Nuclear Plant in Japan (Fukushima) exploded in March 2011 and has unfortunately been lethal to numerous people in the area with invisible but deadly radiation exposure. This is an extremely serious matter, as it has traveled to the United States, Canada and the Pacific Islands. It has already been detected in our food supply, particularly in our rain water, drinking water supplies, milk and beef. The cows that are eating the grass or grain products that have been contaminated by the powerful tsnuami’s winds and rains. These forces have deposited this Cesium 137, Iodine 131 and other types of nuclear radiation poisoning right into our local environment.
The authorities have been measuring these levels and saying that you don’t have to worry at all, they have everything under control. Although, the scientists and toop universities are showing a different story. They have actually measured levels of toxic radiation in our food and water supply at levels already approaching the hazardous to human health. And they are growing more each day. We already know what the “authorities” have told us is not true.
Radiation Test to Detect Radiation Contamination
Measure Radiation at home. The best way for you to be sure is to test it for yourself. You do not need a lot of experience to do this. You only need to get your hands on a ioinizing radiation tester or a geiger counter (geiger detector) which will show the true levels of radiation in your water, foods, clothing or outside areas. When you discover the true levels of radiation, then you can take the right measures to make sure the food you eat and the water you drink is safe to do so. Radiation sickness is hazardous to all lfe. It will damage your DNA and ability to reproduce, it 100% causes cancer, and can cause physical deformities if you don’t get radiation out of your body.
Test Radiation Yourself Anywhere
Here are a couple of really good radiation monitors that you can use at home. Get the best one that you can afford right now, they are listed in the order of least expensive to most. In this nuclear world, it’s always best to be in control yourself and not have some outside “expert” tell you what you should think. You can test it for yourself and act appropriately.
I particularly like the Key Chain detector (because it is less expensive and you can take it anywhere!)
- Nuke Alert – Key-chain Portable Radiation Detector
- Analog Based Ionizing Radiation Detector
- Microprocessor Based Ionizing Radiation Detector
The best thing is to do whatever you can to keep yourself, your friends and family safe. When you do detect any radiation, verify if they are below safe levels for the type detected (in the manuals) and take action based upon the results. If it is discovered in any amount, please check out the links below to clean and detox this radiation from your body, foods and water:
We will get through this in perfect health if we take a few simple precautions!