Saturday, March 12, 2011

Molecules of Attraction - The Chemicals of Love and Trust

Discover How You Can Use The Molecules of Attraction – The Love Chemicals – To Build Trust and Excitement in Others


oxytocin spray - pheromone perfume effects

The Love Chemicals Brain Scent Pheromones


There are four special love chemicals brain scent pheromones that effect how a person is initially perceived by others and we call these a love scent pheromone. These natural molecules become elevated in the brain and nervous system, causing feelings of love and bonding increase, the person’s guard is down and there trust mechanism is up. They just begin to feel good around you.  This works really good on business relationships too, where trust is so important and can be a deal maker or breaker.  You can’t sell to a person who has their guard up. You need to open up their body language (the trust formation) and then your chances of success will soar.


In love and romance it is even more crucial. Most people may have a natural guard up when they meet a stranger, because of past experiences or cultural programming. If you can get them to relax and open up (and light up the pleasure areas of their brains) then you will be virtually guaranteed of success in creating a romantic relationship. The molecules are what is causing the feelings of excitement, the need for close personal bonding and even love to bloom!


Recently, there has been a lot of research going on into how attraction, love, romance and trust is developed in our brains and heart. What scientists and researchers have discovered is four molecules that when present will make this happen instantly.  The good thing is that you can use them (for good purposes I hope) to gain trust and create a deep bond with someone that you really would like to with the help of a little inside knowledge.


Here are the four chemicals of love and trust that you should know about:


  1. Oxytocin: It is manufactured by the body by the stimulation of dopamine.  The presence of Oxytocin makes people open and relaxed and more sensitive to the feelings of others.  It strongly makes people want to cuddle and bond. It generates feelings of love, trust and likability. There is a great book that shows the love and attraction effects of Oxytocin.
  2. Phenylethylamine: It is commonly referred to as “PEA” and is a natural occurring amphetamine that speeds the flow of information between the heart, brain and nerve cells. It contributes to the feeling infatuation and ecstasy and can have you end up staying up all night thinking about a specific person.
  3. Dopamine: This is the feel-good molecule and is one of the chemicals naturally released by PEA. It is a brain neurotransmitter, and a neurohormone (pheromone like chemical) released by the hypothalamus. It is a natural stimulant that makes you feel deep ecstasy, deep awareness and feelings of pleasure.
  4. Norepinephrine:  This chemical causes a natural sense of euphoria (or that on top of the world) feeling. It gets your natural adrenaline pumping and hands and palms all sweaty when near the person you’re in love with.

Love in in the Air - The Pheromone Perfume


Chocolate, Cheese and Blue Green Algae are natural sources of the PEA molecule, when it is vaporized they call it the pheromone perfume. No wonder they say that chocolate makes a person more “in love” and is a favorite for Valentine’s Day. Wine and Chocolate or Wine and Cheese make for a good romantic evening. You can even get a supplement that you can put into your tea for a naturally euphoric romantic evening.  These natural bliss molecules lead one to another so, when you increase one, you can increase the others as well.You can even get these as a perfume or cologne that you can spray before you go out on the prowl and increase your chances of some close bonding later on that evening!


How to use Attract Pheromones


Using an Attract Pheromone can be as simple as adding some natural foods to your diet or drinks to odorless and scented sprays. The most powerful attract pheromones are the sprays. Our most sensitive sensory organ in the body is the nose. It allows us to have our sense of smell. It has the greatest emotional impact by far than any other physical sense. It can bring back memories pouring in and deep emotional states. And that is why is this is the best delivery method on how to use these attraction pheromones.  They last a few hours, but you can carry a small bottle of this spray with you and be ready or empowered at any time you need to. Got a date or important business meeting? Use it!


Oxytocin Spray


Oxytocin Spray is one of the best for creating this sense of trust and positive feelings that has ever been tested. It works for both men and women, and rather quickly at that. It will bring that edge to you wherever you go. It can make You feel it too. You’ll also feel positive and vibrating at a high rate, which will also add to the attraction by others. People love people that have high vibrations and just draw people to them. Be that person now! For more information on how you can “gain instant trust” just click on the Liquid Trust bottle below!


Love Chemicals Brain



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