Dealing with Radiation Exposure
With the recent Nuclear Plant explosion in Japan, there is a large concern about the effects of radiation sickness. It is a very valid concern, as many of us are old enough to remember when this happened at Three Mile Island or even in Chernobyl.
The effects were devastating, to say the least. I hope that we can all pray (or send positive thoughts, if you're not religious or spiritual) to all those people, just like you and I, that are going through a very challenging situation. I'm sure they are feeling the way we felt in the U.S. when hurricane Katrina unleashed her mighty wrath upon the coast of Louisiana, while the "authorities" in charge of assisting in the situation, seemed to just fiddle with their thumbs.
I just wanted to add my two cents (now worth 1/2 pence) and say that I hope they can move to safer ground. The radiation poisoning is still spewing as of right now. There are some simple things they can do to remain as healthy as possible during this intense radioactive saturation.
Zeolites are natural substances made from a spewing volcano (the irony) that cool off when they meet the crisp ocean water and are formed as black mica. These Zeolit can be taken internally to detoxify the body from harmful radiation (or taken as radiation pills). This substance is so powerful that it was used to clean up Chernobyl and help the people on their road to health recovery.
Another form of these zeolites is a liquid form called Adya Clarity, which can be added to drinking water to make it safer (as it neutralized radiation). Also, grounding or earthing, which is direct contact with the energy field of the earth, also will help this energy pass through you and not take up residence in your body. You can even get a grounding pad or mattress cover for your home.
I pray a speedy and vigilant recovery for all the people affected. It may even be affecting the Western United States and Canada, so we here in the states may as well heed this timely advice. For more information visit Radiation Sickness.