Is a Sibling Suffering From Juvenile Rheumatoid Idiopathic Arthritis?
Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
Juvenile Arthritis (JA) is an auto-immune disorder occurring in children aged sixteen and under. The children affected by JA experience pain, stiffness and swelling in one or more joints. The white blood cells in their body cannot differentiate between their body’s own healthy cells and act like harmful invaders instead of cell protectors.
Because the immune system is so active it releases chemicals in the process that may damage healthy tissues. This causes severe pain and inflammation. The person suffering from JA will more than likely not want to participate in any type of activity during attacks, although movement and hydration (water and exercise or activity can actually be a great help to those suffering from Juvenile Arthritis.)
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, Juvenile Rheumatoid or Juvenile Dermatomyositis) In the case of JA (like Rheumatoid Arthritis or RA) it's the joints that the most affected areas. It may target other areas in the body like the heart, the lungs and the eyes as well. It can be a painful, debilitating and even crippling disease.
It can affect certain joints very quickly and cause permanent damage if not treated quickly. Often the children affected by the disease will carry the disease in their adulthood as well.
The most common symptoms of JA are:
- Swollen and enlarged joints
- Neck, Hip or Knee stiffness
- Sudden appearance and disappearance of rashes
- High fevers that rise during evening and suddenly disappear again
- Soreness in many joints
Diet for Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Limit Simple Sugars and refined foods as they lead to inflammation
- Limit starchy vegetables like potatoes and carrots until you get complete relief
- Eat as many green salads and vegetables as you can
- Add almonds and walnuts to your diet
- Eat pineapple, papaya and berries regularly
- Take natural anti-inflammatories like turmeric, ginger, boswellia and cayenne
- Add SuperFoods to your diet, particularly dark chocolate (high cacao %), wheat-grass.
A Holistic Treatment for Juvenile Arthritis
You need to reduce the acidity of your child's body and reset their body's immune system. If you can do these two things, you will able to get lasting relief from juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
First you need to stop any infections from happening in your child's body as this may an underlying cause of autoimmune arthritis. Then you need to keep their whole body in a more alkaline state and reduce your dietary acid intake.
Then you need to rebuild and nourish their joints. Finally you might want to get some natural pain relief until they no longer have this condition. Follow the simple guidelines below and prevent Arthritis from attacking your children ever again:
Prevent and Treat Infections:
- Zapper - Consider getting a Clark Zapper which kills pathogens electronically
- Medicinal Mushrooms (will reset your immune system, so it will function normally and stop attacking your body and joints)
- Zeolites - Get rid of the Infections and Heavy Metal Deposits
Reduce Acid and Alkalize Your Body
- Arthritis Diet – eat some fruits and vegetables every day if you can.
- Drink Purified Water – No Tap or Unpurfied Bottled Water (It has chlorine, calcium, pharmaceuticals, fluoride, etc). Look at getting a home Reverse Osmosis (RO) water filtration system if you can. Or at least get your water from a water store that uses RO.
- Add an Alkalizing agent to your beverages
- Ionic Minerals – Take orally once per day. (Will Alkalize your body and quench acidity)
- Magnesium – Take a magnesium supplement and eat foods rich in magnesium (Raw Cacao, also known as Organic Dark Chocolate
is a really good source).
ebuild and Cushion Your Joints Naturally
- Take 5-10 grams of this natural sulfur supplement in divided doses each day.
- Vitamin C - Combine this with MSM to triple the effects of each.
- Camu Camu – Is a natural plant substance that is the highest in Vitamin C in the world.
- Silica – Take Silica (Orgono Living Silica is by far the best) but you can also get it from herbs like horsetail or cat’s claw.
- Hydrate Your Joints – Take Mega Hydrate which penetrates into your joint socket and lubricates it.
Arthritis Pain Relief
, Silicium G5 Gel
or Orgono Living Silica
Gel applied topically can help bring very rapid pain relief (DMSO is a highly absorbable form of MSM).
- Arthritis Exercise – Do some walking or yoga stretching every day.
- Zapper - Consider getting a Clark Zapper which increases circulation and reduces pain.
You can find all the above items listed reviewed separately under the the Arthritis Remedies menu.
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