Discover The Arthritis Treatment That Really Works!
Traditional Arthritis Treatments
Medical Doctors like to treat arthritis by reducing the pain and inflammation. This is a valid concern but doesn't address the cause of the arthritis. If they actually treated the cause and not the symptoms of arthritis, they would lose you as a customer and their huge paychecks.
Unfortunately, these prescriptions can not only bankrupt you, but they can actually land you in the hospital! (where they win again, and you'll be financing their "treatments" for a long time to come.) People who undergo surgeries to "fix" their arthritis will soon find it showing up again. Time to pay your doctor again. Get off that bandwagon!
They really depend on you to keep coming back for "arthritis treatments" that cover the symptoms, and yet you return and pay them again and again. Good for them, not so good for you. There is a much better solution! This one treats the cause not only the symptoms. With no cause, you will have no symptoms of arthritis - Ever!
The Arthritis Treatment That Works
Well, you might ask, just what is this miracle arthritis treatment? It is no miracle. It's not rocket science either. It's just good 'ol common sense and some inside knowledge of how a healthy body's joints operate. What do you think is in your joints that is causing this pain, inflammation and swelling?
Yes, Calcium! Just what you probably thought it was. And you were absolutely right. But doesn't every traditional medical expert tell us that we have calcium deficiencies, and our bones and joints are weak from a lack of this mineral? Right again. That is their "expert opinion." Then why do we have calcium deposits in our joints causing this arthritis to begin with? TOO MUCH BAD CALCIUM IN YOUR DIET!
Have you noticed that everything these days is "calcium fortified?" Even your orange juice! They want customers and they want them bad.
Fact - It is actually Magnesium, Sulfur and Silica that play the biggest role in joint and bone health. We've have the largest calcium intake in the world, and the highest level of arthritis and osteoporosis. Isn't that what they tell us is supposed to fix those problems? We'll they're wrong! The evidence speaks for itself. If it worked, you would not be reading this! Research shows that when you actually break your hip, then you fall, not the other way around. This is from the junk calcium actually robing the proper calcium out of your bones making them brittle like peanut butter.
What happens when you disturb the flow of water in the ocean? Imagine walking on a pier and looking at the legs that are in the water disturbing the natural flow and tell me what you see = Barnacles! This happens anywhere there is a disturbance of the natural flow. Your body is exactly the same way.
Holistic Arthritis Treatment Solution
The solution is called DE-CALCIFICATION! Yes, getting rid of this excess calcium in your whole body. You need to get this out of your body before it makes your life hard and miserable, just like that junk calcium. I'll show what excess calcification does to your whole body depending on where it ends up:
- Joints = Arthritis
- Heart = Atherosclerosis
- Kidneys = Stones
- Gall Bladder = Stones
- Brain = Stroke
- Eyes = Cataracts
- Ears = HARD of Hearing (yes calcium is hard)
- Bladder = Uric Acid Formation
- Lungs = Emphysema
- Mouth and Teeth = Plaque
Need I say more? So, please stop taking calcium supplements as they end up in your joints (arthritis) not in your bones. Excess calcium is the problem, and I will show you what you can do to get rid of the excess calcium in your body and heal, not just your arthritis but many underlying conditions as well in one fell swoop!
Magnesium, Sulfur & Silica
Get most of the calcium you need from living sources, like eating fruits and vegetables, particularly greens. It is in the form that your body can use. Traditional calcium supplements actually leech calcium from your bones to try and balance the acidity of the supplement and deposit in your joints, organs and blood vessels. Properly balanced with magnesium, sulfur and silica: you will naturally increase bone density and strength, and get rid of the bad calcium that is lodged in your joints, organs, brain and blood vessels.
Natural Solution:
- Take 5-10 grams of this natural sulfur supplement in divided doses each day.
- Vitamin C - Combine this with MSM to triple the effects of each.
- Camu Camu – Is a natural plant substance that is the highest in Vitamin C in the world.
- Silica – Take Silica (Orgono Living Silica is by far the best) but you can also get it from herbs like horsetail or cat’s claw.
- Hydrate Your Joints – Take Mega Hydrate which penetrates into your joint socket and lubricates it.
- Magnesium – Take a magnesium supplement and eat foods rich in magnesium (Raw Cacao, also known as Organic Dark Chocolate
is a really good source).
- Ionic Minerals – Take orally once per day.
, Silicium G5 Gel
or Orgono Living Silica
Gel applied topically can help bring very rapid pain relief (DMSO is a highly absorbable form of MSM).
- Arthritis Diet – eat some fruits and vegetables every day if you can.
- Drink Purified Water - No Tap or Unpurfied Bottled Water (It has chlorine, calcium, pharmaceuticals, fluoride, etc). Look at getting a home Reverse Osmosis (RO) water filtration system if you can. Or at least get your water from a water store that uses RO.
- Arthritis Exercise – Do some walking or yoga stretching every day.
- Zapper - Consider getting a Terminator Zapper which you can use right over the sore joint.
Just take one supplement from each line. Some have more than one item as a choice, but you only need to take one supplement per line for complete Arthritis Pain Relief.
You can find all the above items listed reviewed separately under the the Arthritis Remedies menu.
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