Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Are You SufferingFrom Knee Arthritis or Runner's Knee?

Runner's Knee

arthritis knee joint pain

Knee Arthritis

Knee Arthritis is inflammation and irritation of the knee joint. It is usually accompanied by tenderness and painful movement. The knee tends to hurt when you flex or straighten the knee as the whole joint socket is affected.

When we age (particularly 40+), our tissues and bodily structures (especially joints) begin to repair themselves at a slower level and depending on our lifestyle and diet, may not repair themselves adequately – the result is arthritis and in this case Joint Arthritis.

It appears that the most common cause of knee arthritis is actually Knee Osteoarthritis followed by Rheumatoid ArthritisBursitis Knee

and other general inflammatory conditions of the knee.

Runners Knee

Runners Knee is caused by performing repetitive type movements, particularly when bending or straightening the knee joint with weight attached, as in bodybuilding exercises with excessive weight or improper form when running on a track or treadmill.  This is also common amongst runners who run on concrete and pound their cartilage into oblivion or run on an uneven surface and hyper-extend their knee joints.


Injuries to the Knee 

Knee Pain can also occur from an knee injury or trauma to the knee socket or by having too much weight placed on the joint socket, irritating and inflaming the knee. Poor ergonomic posture can also put undue stress on the knees and move them out of their natural alignment. There can be sharp or throbbing pain in either or both knees and you may even have trouble sleeping if you tend to move around a lot when you sleep.


Natural Arthritis Treatment for the knees:

  • If you are using a repetitive motion, try to adjust the angle or your activity, or stop, rest and massage the affected knee.

  • Strengthen the muscles around that knee joint (if it is the knee, do some basic leg extensions and hamstring curls)

  • Incorporate some arthritis exercises (like tai-chi, qi-gong or yoga)

  • Begin incorporating an arthritis diet, and cut back on the items that cause inflammation and pain

  • Include Omega-3 fatty acids (preferably from flax or plant sources, as animal sources are highly acidic)

  • Add warming spices (anti-inflammatory) to your meals if you enjoy them (curry, turmeric, ginger, garlic, cayenne)

  • Drink plenty of fluids (this will help hydrate the joint, and keep it operating smoothly)

  • Get a good magnetic wrap or brace (the highest Gauss possible – around 800 or more and neodymium type)

  • Alternate between hot and cold packs on the joint.  About 10 minutes each, cycle a few times between hot and cold

  • Take arthritis supplements (glucosamine, Hyaluronic acid, SAM-e, Boswellin)

  • Try some homeopathic cures as well

  • Lower your overall stress level (watch a comedy or even sing around the house, it really does work)

Is Your knee Sore Now?

Performing specific arthritis exercises can also help you get relief and draw healing into your sore knee joints. Take a look at the knee Stretching DVD on Amazon. Just click on the image below and see how it is helping other people with knee pain relieve it quickly, safely and naturally:

knee bursitis stretching

This will definitely give you some great arthritis help and get you on your road to complete and lasting recovery from knee arthritis. Start where you are at, there is no race.  Sometimes the slower the better, because you will not be in a stressful state, adding more pressure to do things quickly.  Go at your own pace and you will be helping others, because they will be asking what it is that you did to recover.

Experiencing a full recovery from arthritis begins with giving your body the nutrition and supplementation it needs to rebuild your joints from the inside out. For arthritis knee, as for most joint degenerative conditions, I recommend taking JointKote to rebuild your joints.

Use a capsaicin cream (which you massage into the affected joint are) to bring immediate pain relief to the aching joint, and also draw the joint relief ingredients directly to the joint for repair and inflammation reduction. Click on the JointKote bottle below to begin the healing process and relieve pain, inflammation and swelling now.

You can find all the above items listed reviewed separately under the the Arthritis Remedies menu.


Visit my other websites for more great natural health tips:

Holistic Medicine

Spiritual Healing

Arthritis Treatment

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