Sunday, February 27, 2011

Zero Limits - What can Ho'oponopono Do For You?

crystals for meditation

Discover How to Break Every Chain That  Binds You and Experience Zero Limits in Your Life Starting Now!

law of attraction - zero limits 

Zero Limits

The Secret ( and The Law of Attraction (Esther & Jerry Hicks, aka Abraham, and Michael J. Losier) was just the beginning of a new era in realizing how our universe works, or doesn't work.  Knowing about the Secret and Applying the Secret are two different things. If you haven’t been able to manifest the things you deeply desire, then you’re about to embark upon a journey that can change your life. It is based upon cutting edge science and technology (holographic theory and quantum physics) and has been scientifically proven in controlled laboratory experiments all over the world.

What is Zero Limits It is a way to put the Law of Attraction to work in our life by using the ancient Hawaiian system of Huna and a particular branch called Ho’oponopono (Hooponopono). It is a method that will help you clear the blocks that impede success and stop you from receiving that which you desire.  It is one of the most powerful methods of spiritual development that I know of. It seeks to bring you to zero point, or that area where you are "all clear" and are ready to receive. We all know that you can't fill a glass that's already full.

Huna and Hooponopono

Huna is an ancient Hawaiian word meaning "hidden" and is used to refer to those who practice the sacred science of wisdom and creation, that is outside of ordinary reality. Hooponopono (self-identity Huna) as you’re about to uncover will transform your life: In will increase your confidence, enhance your love life, allow you to connect with those you really want to at a very deep level, increase your financial abundance, make peace with anyone – including yourself, and even sleep deeper and more peaceful than you have in a long time.

Joe Vitale and The Law of Attraction

The Secret behind “The Secret” and “The Law of Attraction” come into play by using Ho'oponopono. What I’m about to show may very well blow your mind. Joe Vitale of "The Secret" fame, discovered it’s great power and brought it to the west so we could also make use of it’s timeless wisdom and practical results. It’s an extremely powerful method, that you can learn in a weekend and when you begin to apply it, your whole world will change. The way you want it to change!

Zero Limits is the fastest way to begin using The Attractor Factor in a powerful way and attract all you desire into your life right now! It has been hidden from you, because of fear by those who believe that there is a limited supply of wealth in the world and when you apply this method, their wealth will diminish. In actuality, there is plenty enough resources and desires to go around, and it is your birthright as it is mine!  All that is required of us, is to understand how to use it and apply it in a scientific manner.

Even modern scientists and philosophers are now discovering the same thing because of the results they are seeing with their own two eyes. I’ve become very abundant, and things are really “clicking” for me as I apply this method daily. No more obstacles, in fact, Zero Limits!

Dr. Hew Len & Ho'oponopono

Ho'oponopono is an extremely powerful system for clearing away all limits that have blocked people from their desires, happiness and fulfillment in any and all areas of life. It has been proven in clinical settings (Dr. Hew Len used it personally to clear an ENTIRE Hospital full of criminally insane people into peaceful and happy people. Most of whom have now found personal prosperity and abundance for the first time in their lives. And all of whom were completely healed! How did Dr. Len do this? You’re about to find out, and it’s easier than you think!

Discover How to use the Law of Attraction in Action!

Let Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len teach you how to get to the INCREDIBLE & EUPHORIC state of “Zero” – Through his live teaching seminar, with real people, with real problems! And Learn for yourself how to....


“In only a few short hours watching and practicing what you’ll learn on these videos, you can learn how to attract miracles in your finances, relationships, health, career – or any other part of your life…GUARANTEED!

Dr. Joe Vitale, star of the Secret, and author of the #1 bestseller, The Attractor Factor (Second Edition), Life’s Missing Instruction Manual, The Key and many others.

Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len

Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len

Find out how you can attract all that you want into you life quickly and easily. Just click on the Zero Limits link below and discover the Secret for yourself. It’s the Secret behind the Secret called….

Zero Limits!


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EFT Tapping

Arthritis Remedies

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Gas Prices Got You Down? Exercises to do at Home An Exercise Machine Will Help Keep You Checkbook Full and You Fit and Health

Exercise at Home


Gas Prices are skyrocketing and it is taking even longer to get to where we are going with traffic bottlenecks at every stop. How do you find the time or extra resources to go to the gym to keep your health and sanity? Everyone knows the benefits of working out on stress levels as well as physical appearance. So It's not a qustion of if, it's a question of when and how?

Working Out Can Be Fun!

The health benefits of exercise are many; it can reduce your stress, give you quality as well as quantity of life, and make you look and feel years younger. It can also save you a ton of money - hospitals are expensive now a days. It makes even more sense now to try something new that will keep you looking and feeling your best A great solution to this dillema is to begin working out at home with Home Exercise Equipment.


Getting your own exercise machine and workout equipment makes so much sense and there are so many great exercises to do at home. Now that it may cost $10 or more just to get to the gym and back (because of gas prices), not to mention the gym membership cost ($30-$100 per month) and the commute time (30 minutes each way sound familiar?) Being sick can be detrimental to your health and your wealth. It costs so much to be sick; doctors visits, huge co-pays, premiums, and wait time are enough to make you even sicker.


Being Healthy and Fit takes away all those pains and expenses (and excuses for not working out and staying healthy and at your best), and it just makes sense in these tough economic times. Being able to keep myself on the top of my game at home (exercise with dumbbells or a home gym) has made all the difference for me personally. People who haven't seen me in a while always ask me what I do to keep myself in such good shape, and how in the heck do I stay so young looking?

Health and Wealth are related. You won't have wealth for very long if you're always sick, and you can't even enjoy it. When you're healthy you can have peace of mind, and think clearly. When you're sick, that's all you can think about, besides the doctors bills! Get your own home gym (check out the Bowflex Home Gym Review) and you'll not have to be at the mercy of gas prices or doctors bills.


You'll look and feel better than you ever have. You'll be so glad that you have your own gym so you can exercise at home, when the weather is not good, or the gas prices break new levels. You can at least still have your health and good looks.

With Rising Gas Prices and Longer Commute Times, keeping yourself healthy and happy can become a chore. It can be challenging and expensive to even get to the gym and use the exercise machines now a days. Fortunately, there is a great solution - home exercise equipment!

Author Signature:
Begin now by checking out some Home Exercise Equipment and you'll always have the strength to get through any challenge in your life, and look good doing it! James Cruise - Health and Wellness Practitioner



Visit my other websites for more great natural health tips:

Holistic Medicine

EFT Tapping

Arthritis Treatment

Bowflex Home Gym Review


Monday, February 21, 2011

Neck Arthritis = A Stiff Neck and Shoulder Pain. Get Natural Relief at Home Starting Now!

Are You Suffering With Neck Arthritis or Neck Pain?

osteoarthritis neck

Arthritis in the Neck, also known as Cervical Spondylosis (the proper medical term), Cervical Osteoarthritis, Osteoarthritis Neck or Neck Arthritis (or even just a pain in the neck) is a degenerative joint disease that affects the neck and top of the cervical spinal column.  It  is the form of joint arthritis caused by degeneration of the neck bones and discs in the neck area.

It is a condition that typically affects people during their midlife years and beyond (40+) and more men are affected in general than women and even develop it at an earlier age than women.

Stiff Neck?


This causes narrowing of the spinal canals and thickening in the ligaments and bony structures of the neck leading to a stiff neck.  This leads to nerve compression due to inflammation and breakdown of the structure, and can lead to severe pain, swelling and even numbness in the area.

Neck and Shoulder Pain

Since the neck and shoulder are connected they are sometimes tied together in a neck ache. Here are the most common symptoms of Neck Arthritis that cause neck and shoulder pain:

  • Arthritis neck pain or shoulder pain
  • Stiffness that causes difficulty in turning your head side to side without pain
  • Numbness anywhere in the spinal column
  • Weakness in the legs
  • Urinary problems

Neck Pain Causes

Here are some of the most common neck pain causes:

  • Sports activity where weight is carried on top of the head, like a basket, or sporting equipment
  • Professional sports like football, gymnastics and even break dancing
  • Injuries that cause neck compression, like an automobile accident or a fall where you land on your head
  • There may even be some genetic predisposition to this condition as well

Although you may feel severely debilitated there are a lot of natural  arthritis remedies that can really help you recover quickly and fully.

Treatment for Chronic Neck Pain

Use the folloing technicques as a treatment for chronic neck pain:

  • Use a neck brace to keep your head in slightly stretched position to take pressure off the neck and spine
  • Magnetic therapy and gentle massage of the neck area by a qualified practitioner using aromatic and warming oils
  • Begin incorporating an arthritis diet, and cut back on the items that cause inflammation and pain
  • Include Omega-3 oils (preferably from flax or plant sources, as animal sources are highly acidic)
  • Add warming spices (anti-inflammatory) to your meals if you enjoy them (curry, turmeric, ginger, garlic, cayenne)
  • Drink plenty of fluids (this will help hydrate the joint, and keep it operating smoothly)
  • Alternate between hot and cold packs on the joint.  About 10 minutes each, cycle a few times between hot and cold
  • Take arthritis remedies (glucosamine, Hyaluronic acid, SAM-e, Boswellin)
  • Try some homeopathic cures as well
  • Lower your overall stress level (watch a comedy or even sing around the house, it really does work)

Neck Ache Exercises

Try doing some of the following neck ache exercises to help relieve the pain and inflammation:

  • Water exercise or aerobics (swimming or walking in a pool with lukewarm water)

  • Resistance Training (lifting light to moderate weight) which shows the best exercise programs for every body system, which is usually referred to as a total body workout.  Be sure to warm up and ride a bicycle or cardio equipment before you begin resistance training

  • Posture Training - The Alexander Technique is really great for this.  Proper Posture is very important in getting arthritis pain relief and this is also taught in the Feldenkrais (highly recommended) method and Dorn methods which are similar and can help you never experience a back ache or joint ache again!
  • Ergonomics – Proper Ergonomic Posture reduces stress on your back and joints.
  • Yoga, Tai-Chi, Qi-Gong (these combine stretching, strengthening as well as meditation, which will lower your cortisol and blood pressure)

Neck Pain Relief

Learn to Stretch you neck when you get a flare and get quick neck pain relief. Click on the following picture for a neck pain relief video available at Amazon:

neck arthritis stretching

This will most definitely give you some great arthritis help and get you on your road to complete and lasting recovery from Arthritis Neck (Cervical Spondylosis).  Start where you are at, there is no race.  Sometimes the slower the better, because you will not be in a stressful state, adding more pressure to do things quickly.  Go at your own body’s pace and you will be helping others, because they will be asking what it is that you did to recover.

A key to experiencing a full recovery from neck arthritis begins with giving your body the nutrition and supplementation it needs to protect your joints from the inside out. For arthritis in the neck in I recommend taking JointKote to protect and rebuild your joint socket.

You can use a capsaicin cream (which you massage into the affected joint are) to bring immediate pain relief to the aching joint, and also draw the joint relief ingredients directly to the joint for repair and inflammation reduction. Try JointKote to help rebuild the cartilage in your neck and reduce the swelling.

Also, check out the Healthy Back and Neck Institute’s tips for eliminating chronic neck pain at home quickly and easily by clicking on the banner below.

Osteoarthritis Neck Pain Relief


Visit my other websites for more great natural health tips:

Holistic Medicine

Spiritual Healing

Arthritis Treatment

Bowflex Home Gym Review

Sunday, February 20, 2011

EFT Tapping World Summit - Free Audio Event Online!

Tapping World Summit 2011


You've probably heard about the 2011 EFT Tapping World Summit from a dozen places by now. Everyone is talking about it and with good reason... This event teaches a phenomenal technique known as Emotional Freedom Techniques or "Craig EFT" and it's 100% fr*ee to attend online. Last year 130,981 people attended this event without paying a dime and received unbelievable information. And this year there has already been over 200,000 new people register for the event which starts on February 21st. But that's not what this reminder is about..


What you might not know is that because of the amazing feedback from the Tapping Therapy pre-event video series that featured Jack Canfield, Bruce Lipton and Cheryl Richardson the producers of the event decided to do something really special… They're making all three videos and the remaining 7 videos in the series available for viewing or download as a special bonus for those that upgrade to the special gold or platinum access for the event before the event starts. So let me explain what that means… The event itself is and always will be 100% free to attend during the 10 days of the event. The producer of the event Nick Ortner always stresses that this event is first and foremost a free event that also has upgrade options for those that choose it. So here's what an "upgrade option" means…


If you want to own the recordings, or the companion workbook, or the transcripts or any of the regular audio bonuses and the special pre-event video bonuses you'll need to upgrade to the gold access (all digital download) or the platinum access where you get the printed workbook and 22 CD's mailed to your door. So what I want to remind you of today is simply about this upgrade option because of the special pre-event bonuses that disappear on the 21st… These videos include over 7 hours of video with experts Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Bruce Lipton, Cheryl Richardson, Joe Vitale, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Carol Look, Patricia Carrington, Carol Tuttle and Dawson Church.


They're all extremely powerful videos that are worth watching. And since there's a six month money back guarantee there is zero risk involved in upgrading today. To learn more about the this upgrade option (and to register for the event if you haven't yet) just click on the link below:


Whether you decide to upgrade or not I want you to consider one important recommendation… Please make sure to at least attend the event online when it starts on February 21st. EFT is a powerful technique that can have a life-altering impact on your life but it's up to you to show up at the event. I look forward to seeing you there. :)

You can Click on the Banner Below and get to listen to the groundbreaking event recorded live!


Tapping World Summit 2011


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Holistic Medicine

Spiritual Healing

Arthritis Treatment

Bowflex Home Gym Review

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tapping World Summit 2011 - Tap Away Fear, Phobias, Panic, Asthma, Public Speaking, Self-Confidence, Weight Loss and more in an Instant!

Tapping World Summit 2011 - Bruce Lipton Video

You Can Learn This Powerful Healing Method That You Can Take Anywhere and Use Anywhere on Anyone at Any Time, Can Instantly Remove Life-Long Phobias, Panic Attacks, Asthma, Fear of Flying, Weight Loss, Public Speaking, and Medical Emergencies in Minutes!



Happy Woman - Tapping Solutions 2011Newest Breakthrough in EFT and Tapping


Modern Science and Medicine has finally caught up to what really makes us tick, or sometimes tock. Recent medical research has clearly shown that acupuncture meridians actually exist, in exactly the locations that ancient traditional Chinese medical doctors have known and used successfully for thousands of years.


But even more groundbreaking is the fact that you don’t need to go to an acupuncturist office to get a treatment using needles and pins. You can merely tap on specific acupuncture points and actually re-program the source of the condition so you no longer have the symptoms. Gone in an instant!  And since you removed the cause, it won't even return, ever!


Here’s what it can do for you when you learn this powerful method:


The Tapping Solution

  • Permanently Remove Life-Long Phobias in an instant
  • Stop your body from a Panic Response Instantly
  • Afraid of Flying? No More! You will actually laugh at Turbulence!
  • Water? Gone. You are now at ease, even in the deep end.
  • Public Speaking? No more having to imagine people in their underwear!
  • Weight Loss – Reprogram the Body’s Response to Food – No Need for it to Store Excess Calories any longer
  • Asthma Attacks? Stop the unnecessary immune response in seconds.
  • Depression? Reprogram the ANT’s (Automatic Negative Thoughts) AND Replace Them Permanently
  • Want Unstoppable Self-Confidence that You Control at the Tap of a Switch?

These are just a few of the many things that Tapping can do for you. It is being used in major medical communities and hospitals now. Tapping and EFT are continuing to evolve and with it, the understanding of how to heal whatever ails the human condition. This is helping many others just like you right now heal conditions and personal phobias that they have been unable to cure or even face for their entire lifetime.

Bruce Lipton Free Video Explains Why and How EFT Works

Bruce Lipton is a world recognized biologist and best selling author of “Biology of Belief”, is about to explain to you why he considers EFT to be the key to “unlocking your personal genius”.  Do Not Miss This Video! It is one of the best I’ve ever seen, and explains why this is so important to the future (and now) of humanity. Did you know that your thoughts can make you sick, broke and unhappy? Bruce shows you why regular “positive thinking” doesn’t work and how you can use EFT to reprogram your mind to get what you want in life. You can check out this amazing free video here: Tapping Solution 2011 Bruce Lipton

Jack Canfield’s Secret Attraction Tapping Free Video

These amazing videos you are about to watch are part of the free Tapping World Summit Video series being released over the next few days leading up to this enormous event which begins Feb. 21st. In fact last year over 100,000 people attended this event online!  If you haven’t yet seen the first video with Jack Canfield on how your past traumas and negative emotions may be keeping you from attracting what you want in life you’ll get access to that video as well when you see this one. Both are very powerful and life changing. You can watch them here… Tapping Solution 2011 Jack Canfield

Cheryl Richardson’s Get What You Want Tapping Free Video

This next video is with internationally known personal mastery expert Cheryl Richardson, a best-selling author of 5 books who is best known as one of the world’s greatest personal coaches. Cheryl has appeared on many shows like The Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America and The Today Show just to name a few. You can see this fr*ee video by going here: Tapping Solution 2011 Cheryl Richardson

Click on the Tapping Solution DVD Box below and Learn to Tap and Change your life forever!

Tapping World Summit 2011 Video

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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Valentine's Day Again Ladies? Get The Right Man This Time!

Don't Spend the Holidays Alone… Again

Love/Romance is in The Air – Are You Catching it's Drift?

woman seeking man - romance guyValentine’s Day is my all-time favorite time of the year. Being a Taurus means Love, Romance and Chocolate, and more importantly, someone to share it with. If you happen to find yourself without a partner or even a good date, then it can seem like a nightmare, and that life is just not fair. Read further and you won't have to spend another valentine's day alone again.

If you're not currently dating someone or have a steady parther, believe me, I know how you feel, because I have been there and done that, and I’m glad I’m on the other side now. It feels much better knowing that you are loved, and that you can find and get love in an instant if you ever needed to. I’ve found mine, and now I’d like to help you find yours!

If you're spending this Valentine's Day alone, and don't want to, then I can show you a way that this does not have to happen ever again. I want to let you in on a little secret that is tailor made for women seeking quality men, whether mature or even more youthful. Christian Carter has helped over 3 million women become more successful with men, dating and relationships through books, eBooks, seminars and videos.

His goal in life is to help women attract love and enjoy the fulfillment of it in their relationships by providing the male perspective and thought process, which lets you see what is really going on inside their heads when they see you, and why they behave the way they do in relationships.

He teaches women how to use Emotional Attraction and Triggers to guide the man in your life to stay connected and committed to one woman – You! He integrates a variety of research in his work including human and evolutionary psychology, biology, biochemistry, neuro-linguistic programming, or NLP and other advanced methods of communication.

Christian Carter's methods are primarily for women who are single or in an early phase of their relationship, looking to
attract a man and get him to commit to her. While Christian’s insight into the male mind will benefit women in more established relationships, his primary gift is teaching women on how to focus on creating that deeply connected relationship in their own lives.

What you will get out of his knowledge:

  • You’ll learn a man’s perspective- what he is thinking about and what he really needs in a relationship
  • Teaches women how to avoid the most common mistakes that “kill it” before it even begins
  • How you can use Psychology to get inside of his head and make the right move at the right time
  • Answers the “why” questions and show you the “how” to make your relationship last
  • What and How a man is attracted to a women – key thoughts and triggers that make him shiver
  • Teaches women on how to be confident and yet not let him slip away
  • Find, Attract, Get and Keep the right man for you quickly and easily

For more information on Christian’s book “Catch Him and Keep Him” click on the eBook below and learn about how he can help you have that “perfect date” or “perfect relationship” by Valentine’s Day or any other time you need or desire to. Do it now and be happy tonight!

Catch Him & Keep Him


Visit my other websites for more great natural health tips:

Holistic Medicine

Spiritual Healing

Arthritis Treatment

Bowflex Home Gym Review

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Guys, Valentine's Day is Almost Here - Don't Spend It Alone This Time!

dating advice for men


how to attract womenYes, Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, and if you are without a date it can seem like a frustrating time of year. It doesn’t have to be that way though. I’m going to introduce you to a relationship coach that has been getting it done for guys for over 10 years now. You may have heard of his name before, and if you have it is quite a hot topic. His name is David DeAngelo.


I have personally read and devoured his “Double Your Dating eBook” and found AND USED his practical advice on many occasions, for dating purposes and also for acing that Job Interview, due the the deep confidence that I now possess. His style is practical and down to earth, and teaches you to bring out the best of your natural characteristics, and create the type of persona that any woman you’d like to get to know will be attracted to.  It’s about actively creating attraction and knowing what to do after you have created that “spark.”

Here's some of what you will master:


  • Step-by-step techniques
  • How to Approach Women
  • How to Meet Women
  • How to Create Attraction
  • How to Get that First Date
  • How to Get Intimate
  • How to Interact with Women
  • How to be Psychologically Ready to Meet Women
  • How to be Confident and have a High Self-Worth
  • How to master the deep inner game

Here’s a little information about David DeAngelo:

David DeAngelo has helped over 10 million guys successfully connect with women. He is the author of two ebooks, fourteen seminar programs and a monthly subscription interview series. His programs teach men how to overcome their fear of rejection, successfully meet and attract women, and become the kind of man who can be in a successful relationships with high quality, beautiful women.  


Before he began writing his first revolutionary dating eBook, Double Your Dating, David DeAngelo was just a normal guy with less than exceptional luck with women. He made a plan to change that luck into mastery, spending several years studying men who were naturally successful with women, reading hundreds of books on relationships, sexual attraction and biology, attending seminars, and “field testing” thousands of techniques to understand what REALLY works with women and why.

His personal observation is that attraction and success with women is really a two-step process. First you need to earn how to rid yourself of your personal insecurities, anxieties and fears that sabotage your success with women. Then you need to know what to do and say to communicate your newfound self-confidence and desirability to her. His programs and writings address both of these needs, giving men far more than just a “pick up line” that works, but instead giving them a presence, power and confidence that translates to all of the areas of their lives.  


The Double Your Dating eBook is primarily for single guys who are looking to significantly improve their success with women (men seeking women). They range from men who have had little to no success with women, to men who’ve had moderate success but want to take their dating and relationships to a new level. His practical and easy to follow teachings can help ANY man create more attraction between himself and a woman, no matter what his love life was like in the past.


You can learn more about how to Double Your Dating and get the girl of your dreams into your life and in your arms by clicking on the eBook Below:


Double Your Dating


Visit my other websites for more great natural health tips:

Holistic Medicine

Spiritual Healing

Arthritis Treatment

Bowflex Home Gym Review

Friday, February 4, 2011

Arthritis Pain In the Elbow? Get Quick Relief!

Arthritis in The Elbow

Arthritis of the Elbow Joint is the inflammation or irritation of the elbow area and is usually accompanied by tenderness to the touch and painful movement.  The elbow area hurts when we flex or straighten the elbow as the whole joint socket is affected by this condition.

As we mature and get older (particularly 40+), our tissues and bodily structures (especially joints) repair themselves at a slower level and depending on our lifestyle and diet, and may not repair themselves adequately – the result is arthritis and in this case Joint Arthritis of the Elbow

arthritis remedies

It appears that the most common cause of elbow arthritis is actually Osteoarthritis  followed by Rheumatoid Arthritis and other general inflammatory conditions of the Elbow joint.

Tennis Elbow Anyone?

Tennis Elbow Arthritis is usually caused by performing excessive repetitive type movements, particularly when bending or straightening the elbow joint with weight attached, like a tennis racket, or golf club or even in bodybuilding exercises with excessive weight or improper form.

A person playing tennis or washing tables for a living may eventually develop that type of irritation of the joint socket because of the repetitive movements over the same joint socket over an extended period of time.

Injuries to The Elbow

Elbow Arthritis can also occur from an elbow injuries or trauma to the socket or by having too much weight placed on the joint socket, irritating and inflaming the elbow. There can be sharp or throbbing pain in either or both elbows and you may even have trouble sleeping if you tend to move around a lot when you sleep or can't quite keep it elevated.

The Best Holistic Arthritis Treatment for the Elbow:

  • if you are using a repetitive motion, try to adjust the angle or your activity, or stop, rest and massage the affected elbow.

  • Strengthen the muscles around the elbow joint (if it is the elbow, do some basic dumbbell curls)

  • Start doing some basic arthritis exercises (like tai-chi, qi-gong or yoga)

  • Start following the arthritis diet, and cut back on the items that cause inflammation and pain

  • Start taking Omega-3 fatty acids (preferably from flax or plant sources, as animal sources are highly acidic)

  • Add warming herbs and spices (anti-inflammatory) to your meals if you enjoy them (curry, turmeric, ginger, garlic, cayenne)

  • Drink plenty of water or liquids (this will help hydrate the joint, and keep it operating smoothly)

  • Get a good magnetic wrap or brace (the highest Gauss possible – around 800 or more and neodymium type)

  • Alternate between hot and cold packs on the joint.  About 10 minutes each, cycle a few times between hot and cold

  • Take arthritis remedies (glucosamine, Hyaluronic acid, SAM-e, Boswellin)

  • Try some homeopathic cures as well

  • Lower your overall stress level (watch a comedy or even sing around the house, it really does work)

Is Your Elbow Sore Right Now?

Performing specific arthritis exercises can also help you get relief from a sore elbow and draw healing into your elbow joints. Take a look at the Elbow Stretching DVD on Amazon. Just click on the image below and see how it is helping other people with elbow pain relieve it quickly, safely and naturally:

elbow bursitis stretching

Start where you are at, there is no need to overextend yourself. Sometimes the slower the better, because you will not be in a stressful state, adding more pressure to do things quickly. Go at your own body’s pace and you will be helping others, because they will be asking what it is that you did to recover.

Experiencing a full recovery from arthritis begins with giving your body the nutrition and supplementation it needs to rebuild your joints from the inside out. For arthritis elbow, as for most joint degenerative conditions, I recommend taking JointKote to rebuild your joints.

Begin using a silica, DMSO or capsaicin cream (which you massage into the affected joint are) to bring immediate pain relief to the aching joint, and also draw the joint relief ingredients directly to the joint for repair and inflammation reduction. Click on the JointKote bottle below to begin the healing process and relieve pain, inflammation and swelling now.

Share and Enjoy:

You can find all the above items listed reviewed separately under the the Arthritis Remedies menu.


Visit my other websites for more great natural health tips:

Holistic Medicine

Spiritual Healing

Arthritis Treatment

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Do Your Hands Hurt? You may have Arthritis in the Hands.

Arthritis in Your Hands

Hand Arthritis

hand arthritis

Arthritis Hands is the inflammation or irritation of the joints in the hand and is usually accompanied by tenderness to the touch, pain in hands and painful movement.  Sometimes referred to as Rheumatoid Arthritis Hands as it is a common form of rheumatory arthritis. We will experience arthritis joint pain in our hand when we flex or straighten it (or accidentally roll over on it when we’re sleeping).

As we age (particularly 40+), our tissues and bodily structures (especially joints) tend to repair themselves at a slower level and depending on our lifestyle and diet, may not repair themselves adequately – the result is a type of arthritis and in this case Arthritis in the Hands.

Pain in the Hands

Hand Pain can make simple tasks like opening a jar or turning a doorknob rather difficult as one wrong touch can send pain shooting up to our brains, and then we’re left with a red throbbing hands.  The natural tendency is to place it in the mouth as the pressure and wetness feel good to it immediately after an injury.  Or course, this is not always practical, unless you’re in preschool!

Hand Arthritis is believed to be caused by performing excessive repetitive type movements, particularly when bending or straightening the joints in the hand but is most commonly associated with injury or inflammatory conditions in the body.  It can be a crushing injury like slamming a door on it or from hitting it against a hard object straight on.

Treatment for Arthritis Hands

  • If you are using a repetitive motion, try to adjust the angle or your activity, or stop, rest and massage the affected hand.
  • Incorporate arthritis exercises
  • Begin an arthritis diet, and cut back on the items that cause inflammation and pain
  • Include Omega-3 fatty acids (preferably from flax or plant sources, as animal sources are highly acidic)
  • Add some warming spices (anti-inflammatory) to your meals if you enjoy them (curry, turmeric, ginger, garlic, cayenne)
  • Drink plenty of liquids (this will help hydrate the joint, and keep it operating smoothly)
  • Get a magnetic wrap or brace (the highest Gauss possible – around 800 or more and neodymium type) and keep the hand immobilized
  • Alternate between hot and cold packs around the joint.  About 10 minutes each, cycle a few times between hot and cold
  • Take arthritis remedies (glucosamine, Hyaluronic acid, SAM-e, Boswellin)
  • Try some homeopathic cures as well
  • Lower your stress level (watch a comedy or even sing around the house, it really does work)

Stretch you wrist, fingers and thumb when you get a flare and stop the pain in its tracks. Click on the following picture for a hand and wrist pain relief video available at Amazon:

arthritis thumb exercises

This will give you some great arthritis help and get you on your road to complete and lasting recovery from Arthritis Hands.  Start where you are at, this is no race. Sometimes the slower the better, because you will not be in a stressful state, adding more pressure to do things quickly.  Go at your own pace and you will be helping others, because they will be asking what it is that you did to recover.

Be sure to give your body the nutrition and supplementation it needs to protect your joints from the inside out. For arthritis in the hands I recommend taking JointKote to protect and rebuild your joint socket.

Relief from Arthritis Hands

You can use a capsaicin, silica or DMSO cream (which you massage into the affected joint are) to bring immediate pain relief to the aching joint, and also draw the joint relief ingredients directly to the joint for repair and inflammation reduction. Click on the JointKote bottle below to begin the healing process and relieve pain, inflammation and swelling now.

You can find all the above items listed reviewed separately under the the Arthritis Remedies menu.


Visit my other websites for more great natural health tips:

Holistic Medicine

Spiritual Healing

Arthritis Treatment

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Are You SufferingFrom Knee Arthritis or Runner's Knee?

Runner's Knee

arthritis knee joint pain

Knee Arthritis

Knee Arthritis is inflammation and irritation of the knee joint. It is usually accompanied by tenderness and painful movement. The knee tends to hurt when you flex or straighten the knee as the whole joint socket is affected.

When we age (particularly 40+), our tissues and bodily structures (especially joints) begin to repair themselves at a slower level and depending on our lifestyle and diet, may not repair themselves adequately – the result is arthritis and in this case Joint Arthritis.

It appears that the most common cause of knee arthritis is actually Knee Osteoarthritis followed by Rheumatoid ArthritisBursitis Knee

and other general inflammatory conditions of the knee.

Runners Knee

Runners Knee is caused by performing repetitive type movements, particularly when bending or straightening the knee joint with weight attached, as in bodybuilding exercises with excessive weight or improper form when running on a track or treadmill.  This is also common amongst runners who run on concrete and pound their cartilage into oblivion or run on an uneven surface and hyper-extend their knee joints.


Injuries to the Knee 

Knee Pain can also occur from an knee injury or trauma to the knee socket or by having too much weight placed on the joint socket, irritating and inflaming the knee. Poor ergonomic posture can also put undue stress on the knees and move them out of their natural alignment. There can be sharp or throbbing pain in either or both knees and you may even have trouble sleeping if you tend to move around a lot when you sleep.


Natural Arthritis Treatment for the knees:

  • If you are using a repetitive motion, try to adjust the angle or your activity, or stop, rest and massage the affected knee.

  • Strengthen the muscles around that knee joint (if it is the knee, do some basic leg extensions and hamstring curls)

  • Incorporate some arthritis exercises (like tai-chi, qi-gong or yoga)

  • Begin incorporating an arthritis diet, and cut back on the items that cause inflammation and pain

  • Include Omega-3 fatty acids (preferably from flax or plant sources, as animal sources are highly acidic)

  • Add warming spices (anti-inflammatory) to your meals if you enjoy them (curry, turmeric, ginger, garlic, cayenne)

  • Drink plenty of fluids (this will help hydrate the joint, and keep it operating smoothly)

  • Get a good magnetic wrap or brace (the highest Gauss possible – around 800 or more and neodymium type)

  • Alternate between hot and cold packs on the joint.  About 10 minutes each, cycle a few times between hot and cold

  • Take arthritis supplements (glucosamine, Hyaluronic acid, SAM-e, Boswellin)

  • Try some homeopathic cures as well

  • Lower your overall stress level (watch a comedy or even sing around the house, it really does work)

Is Your knee Sore Now?

Performing specific arthritis exercises can also help you get relief and draw healing into your sore knee joints. Take a look at the knee Stretching DVD on Amazon. Just click on the image below and see how it is helping other people with knee pain relieve it quickly, safely and naturally:

knee bursitis stretching

This will definitely give you some great arthritis help and get you on your road to complete and lasting recovery from knee arthritis. Start where you are at, there is no race.  Sometimes the slower the better, because you will not be in a stressful state, adding more pressure to do things quickly.  Go at your own pace and you will be helping others, because they will be asking what it is that you did to recover.

Experiencing a full recovery from arthritis begins with giving your body the nutrition and supplementation it needs to rebuild your joints from the inside out. For arthritis knee, as for most joint degenerative conditions, I recommend taking JointKote to rebuild your joints.

Use a capsaicin cream (which you massage into the affected joint are) to bring immediate pain relief to the aching joint, and also draw the joint relief ingredients directly to the joint for repair and inflammation reduction. Click on the JointKote bottle below to begin the healing process and relieve pain, inflammation and swelling now.

You can find all the above items listed reviewed separately under the the Arthritis Remedies menu.


Visit my other websites for more great natural health tips:

Holistic Medicine

Spiritual Healing

Arthritis Treatment

The Natural Cure for Severe Back Pain - 98% Relief in 3 Days!

Natural Treatment for Back Pain

Natural Cure for Back Pain

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For more information visit the Spinal Stenosis or Spinal Decompression website pages.


Visit my other websites for more great natural health tips:

Holistic Medicine

Spiritual Healing

Arthritis Treatment